Monday, November 7, 2011



   Taking an analogical view PB writes a letter to the editor about narrowing 43 Ave being compared to the human body with veins, arteries and capillaries doing its tour of duty around the body.  Carrying the blood components in the veins, arteries and capillaries, oxygen as red blood cells with plasma lead the way.   The white blood cells can be called the emergency vehicles, ambulance, fire truck and police.  These first responders help the blood to clot and keep the patient from bleeding to death when large commercial vehicles block the way.

   When the body is filled with the wrong foods, narrowing of the arteries takes place making it difficult for the blood to sustain life.  The Vernon city bus needs part of 43rd Avenue as a part of its route.  Traffic snarls can result in slowing down emergency vehicles.  The law states to let vehicles pass quickly and efficiently, so the artery must not be narrowed.

    Letters to the editor often bring out interesting points on other subjects that may not be otherwise noticed.  HH writes, “We, the taxpayers, are not only paying the B.C. employee’s salaries, but we are also paying for their MSP (medical services premiums) as stated by the taxpayers association.  It is appalling that people who make the huge salaries have to have the poor little guy and gal who make a fraction of what they make cover their medical services premiums.  I sent my invoice back to Christy Clark and said that since she is OK with my paying her taxes, then she should be OK paying mine.”      


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