Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Thank you Lord for your gift of life, With Talents, Time and Treasures, Given from Heaven for Earthly life, To practice with God’s measure. Gifts to share with those in need, Inspiring them as well, Sharing joys with family, As hearts ring happy bells. Recall this title - three gifts of words Join the second letter of each, They spell A I R – Confirming that It’s the way our hearts use speech. Sensing those who’ve earned Heaven’s trust, There is no time for delay, Flashing from those Heavenly spheres, Your answer is on its way. “How can each one help the Earth?” Mother Earth asks each day, Her call says, “We need oxygen, Please help so all can stay.” She’ll honor us as we honor her, With our Talents, Time and Treasures Creator has designed the game We must live His rules and measure. Each person and each business place, Have souls that tell what to do, Each to practice God’s great Golden Rule, “Do to others you’d like done to you.” The gift to us is oxygen for breath, Life’s protective air, Gifts of trees and plants serve oxygen, The mix we all need for Earth’s care.

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