Wednesday, June 22, 2011


A full page ad appears in a Canadian magazine with the above title. A half page picture shows a white haired lady studying a multi-paged file. A young man is seated shoulder to shoulder with her with pen in hand, obviously waiting for her to sign a document.

The bottom half of the page explains as follows: ELDER ABUSE: It’s time to face the reality: “No one should ever be pressured, forced or tricked into giving money – even to loved ones. If someone you trust is taking advantage of you, help is out there. Learn the signs of financial abuse to protect yourself and the people you love.”

To find out more from the Government of Canada about preventing elder abuse, visit, or call 1-800-O-Canada (l-800-622-6232)
TTY: 1800-926-9105.

It is signed with the red Maple Leaf flag, Government of Canada and appears in the magazine GOOD TIMES, December 2010 issue.

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