Friday, October 22, 2010


According to research conducted by the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago over a 15 year period, involved more than 4,000 participants 65 years of age or older, researchers tested these participants at various points in time for their cognitive abilities. Both memory and perceptual skills were included in the test. The study is currently still in progress, but at the 15 year mark the results clearly indicted that those seniors whose diets most closely approximated the Mediterranean showed significantly less cognitive decline than those other seniors. Eating a few nuts every day, the researchers noted can keep you smarter.

A diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil, lower meat consumption, moderate wine and non-refined grain intake has proven and still continues to improve general health and well being.

Norman Shealy, MD, and PhD, is a neurosurgeon, psychologist and founding president of the American Medical Association. He has authoured 25 books as well as more than 300 articles. He is the co-founder of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and perhaps the world’s foremost medical expert on medical intuition. His latest book, “Medical Intuition: Your Awakening to wholeness” is available at most bookstores, libraries, and published by 4th Dimension Press. His Website is, or call 800-333-4499 and A.R.E. members receive a 20 percent discount.

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