Monday, March 8, 2010


Children benefit too, as studies show that those who exercise get better grades. Research has shown, in fact, that exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.

7) Learn from the nuns. The convent of the school sisters of Notre Dame on Good Counsel Hill in Mankato, Minnesota, has been participating in a longitudinal study to learn why their 75-to-107-year old members have such healthy brains and long lives. One researcher speculated thusly: “They do not drink or smoke, they live quietly and communally, they are spiritual and calm and they eat healthily and in moderation.” The actual research, however, may point to more specific factors. One early finding has to do with the preponderance of positive emotions these women have during their day’s routine.

8) Paying attention. A mind that wanders has a brain that can become slack. Caffeine and other drugs can enhance brain arousal but being interested and curious about your environment is also helpful. Meditation, which is practice in paying attention, is good.

9) Positive feed back. Brain function biofeedback does help brain function. Just as people can learn to control alpha waves, they can also learn to create other patterns of brain function. Research has shown using biofeedback, people can alter attentiveness, elevate mood, and eliminate undesirable impulses.

10) Cognitive-enhancement drugs are already on the market. Modafinil, originally designed to fight narcolepsy (suddenly falling asleep) helps healthy people maintain alertness for almost four days with no sleep, and to function better than those who do sleep!
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