Saturday, March 6, 2010


This item is not available in drug stores, it is cheap, messy, and smells like crude oil, but this old fashioned remedy, given in the Edgar Cayce material has been applauded by many. Here is an excerpt in a letter written to his chiropractor. “At 17 years of age I started losing my hair in spots the size of a silver dollar. After trying several commercial preparations with no results I was finally persuaded to try a bottle of Crudoleum. To my surprise hair started growing again and the empty spots filled in.”

An enthusiastic wife writes: “Following surgery, my husband, at age 40, began losing his hair that began to fall in bunches. I convinced him to use Crudoleum, followed by an olive oil shampoo. Twice a week I gave him a five minute massage. In the 10 week period since we started we have had dramatic results with all his hair grown in and his hair has improved 100 percent. Within one week the falling hair stopped with the new hair a soft brown with a dramatic improvement in texture.”

Another experience: “Eight years ago, 50 percent of my hair fell out and the remaining hair broke off at the neckline. I applied Crudoleum for six months time and my hair has grown in much thicker, rather remarkable for me because my hair was extremely thick to begin with and I didn’t think it would be possible to get even thicker after I had lost so much of it.

Here is one person who only needed to change his brand of shampoo. “Following hospitalization I began losing my hair at an alarming rate. I had to vacuum my towel and rake the tub. The Olive oil shampoo stopped the fall out at the first use.” These old fashioned remedies may still be available at l-866-322-8209 or 1-800-269-2502.

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