Thursday, December 3, 2009


Your question regarding a natural remedy for your dog’s ear infection is very appropriate at this time of the year. A healthy lifestyle is the key to health. The basis for that way of life is diet. The makeup of a healthy diet for pets is different from that of people but the concepts are the same. Dogs and cats have evolved over millions of years eating raw game, plus some fruits and vegetables. Scroll down to my Blog of November 27th about toxins that can overwhelm pets. Conversing with friends at social events or while shopping at your pet store can yield pertinent information regarding the location of a holistic veterinarian. A friend at has recently acquired a puppy and done research along that line. “Total Pet” in Vernon will be of help in this aspect of pet care. If you have purchased a package of dried pet food and already opened it they will exchange it for one that will be more suited for your pet’s needs.

Herbs such as turmeric, Echinacea, garlic and Oregon grape can improve an animal’s immune function as can the mushrooms Reishi and Shiitake. Any of these supplements can be given orally, along with antibiotics, if necessary, to help a pet fight an infection. When a dog is fully healthy, an ear infection will no longer plague him. There is extensive information in this regard at

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