Friday, December 4, 2009


A set of gentle bending and rolling exercises are highly effective in relieving muscle tension and increasing circulation to the head, brain, ears, and eyes: Sit erect and relax. Very gently, bend the head forward three times, to the back three times, to the right side three times, to the left three times; then circle the head each way three times. Don’t hurry through it, take the time to do it.

Long car or plane rides; speaking on the phone; poor posture; mental or emotional stress: hours spent sitting in front of a computer or TV screen; as well as any type of sedentary or repetitive activity that causes us to keep our head in the same position for extended periods of time – all put stress on the neck vertebrae and the muscles that support them.

In his book “Heal Arthritis: Physically-Mentally-Spiritually,” Dr. William A.Garey writes: “A head-and-neck exercise can be used to bring about greater flexibility in the cervical spine. If used regularly over a long period of time, it will correct the rigidity which sometimes comes about in certain types of arthritis. The hearing and visual acuity of the eyes are both sharpened by using this exercise.”

“It is important to do these exercises on a regular basis if results are to be achieved. Doing these exercises relaxes the body before going to sleep at night. It will keep the throat and jaw line firm, and prevent the formation of double or multiple chins.” It is also one of exercises in Tai-Chi, an ancient Chinese method of exercising. A number of studies have identified Tai Chi as an ideal type of exercises that can help older people stay active and free of pain. See Simone Gabbay’s website:

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