Saturday, February 7, 2009


According to Simone Gabbay, RNCP, registered nutritional consultant in Toronto, a person using a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, and exercise will not need pharmaceutical drugs, antibiotics, or immunization. Crops grown in fertile mineral-rich soil are strong and pest-resistant and will need no pesticides, fungicides, or fumigants, the natural state of good health in organic fruits and vegetables.

The organic movement is particularly well established in Europe, with 72 percent of Europeans supporting organic food production. A 20-year study by Swiss scientists, published in 2002, offers a clear endorsement of organic farming methods.

Standard agricultural practices are jeopardizing everyone's health by undermining the well-being of the planet that sustains us. Worldwide, several billion kilograms of pesticides are applied every year. Exposure to pesticides, farm workers and their families, for example, has been linked to various forms of neurological and degenerative disease. Many of the synthetic fertilizers used in intensive farming are highly soluble and readily enter ground and surface water, hazardous to human and environmental health. Consumers can register a vote fovoring organic farming practices each time groceries are purchased.
Simone Gabbay has written a number of books including "Visionary Medicine," "Real Hope for Total Healing," and "Nourishing the Body Temple."

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