Saturday, November 8, 2008


As the weeks rolled into summer, parent birds were busy giving flying lessons to their young. Inner knowledge told them that all the family must be prepared when cooler weather reminds of the necessity to be ready for the long flight to a warmer climate. During flying practice they were shown how to direct attention to the nuclear towers being prepared by diving at them whenever such work was in progress.. Those with strong enough beaks tapped holes in the earth, placing an ear to the ground to direct attention to the heat energy that could be captured there.

Small birds including the dazzling goldfinch flew in circles around the humans working on the projects. Some brought gifts and if a hand was extended they presented a ripe berry or nut in season. Filberts and walnuts were easily carried by the larger birds. When the flyers noticed they were being watched, they bowed and chirped a song. It was obvious the humans enjoyed these antics and no doubt thought of their message which could mean "Let's work together."

With a Hoo-hooo-hoo-hoo, Ole gathered his group together and commended them for their help and great cooperation. He told them that although many scientists had known for nearly half a dozen years that decomposing forests would add to all other pollution, it had not been accepted by powers in charge. Rulers may have feared the project might be costly, and not suitable for the timing of an upcoming election and thus lose their position and power.

Dr. Ole asked his helpers to continue to inspire humans magnetically to write articles and poetry to submit to their local representatives. Even the writings of children and their thoughts of love have created remarkable changes, he told them. If the general population held meetings to discuss Global warming with their members of parliament they would be more willing to support wind, water, sun and underground heat so they could in conscience vote for them again. He felt that those in charge of choosing news items, publishing through paper, radio, television and other electronic devices, truly wanted the situation to be known. Many e-mails from ordinary caring individuals are read on radio, TV, printed in letters to editors of local papers as well as to other countrywide and worldwide publications. He challenged all his helpers to inspire someone to write a poem, perhaps just a few lines, that speaks directly for the trees, the air and all life to help solve the problem faced by Mother Earth.

1 comment:

Cicero Sings said...

Hi Suzie Q

I'm looking at your Robin Story and thinking you should be adding labels at the bottom ... that way one can find all of your Robin stories easily should they wanted to find just the Robin Stories at some future time. Other labels could be: one for poems, one for family history etc.