Monday, December 22, 2014

How to Avoid Prostate Trouble

Cancer is caused by the bottling information of negative emotions. It is not what we eat, but what eats us. At the mental and spiritual level we can avoid cancer by forgiving those who cause us harm and forgiving those who caused us harm. Cancer seems to occur more readily which is avoiding it to begin with.

“My prostate was in good shape until five years ago when the doctor examining me said it was enlarged which explained some urinary changes that I had noticed.It suggested a massages of olive oil and peanut oil every evening before retiring. Last fall I had another medical exam during which my doctor commented that I had the prostate of a 20 year old (I was 68) I reminded him of the first exam which he had forgotten. I mentioned my success to a friend who had prostate problems. This man experienced the same salutary results.”

Resisting every grudge or other careless deed . God's spirit dwells in everywhere, on standby and on call, responding to each sincere prayer to answer one and all and I am finding my sincere prayer will answer one and all. How beautiful and different our present world challenges would be when we feel and practice this forgiveness.    

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