Monday, September 8, 2014


I call upon an  ailing friend to cheer him on his way,
 And watch the kind concern and care the healing staff displays,
Encouraging the will and mind to listen to each cell,
 So intuitions prompting thoughts can help build health as well.
  With gentle, warm deliberate care promoting peace and calm,
 Each cell can blend in consciousness, to find its healing balm.

For nature has designed for all a cure for every ill.
 Blending hope, faith and love with healing prayers at will.
Infusing through each atom's tone, from orbits from within,
 The cells will blend with faith and love and blessings from your kin.
So will the soul be free to rush in healing to each cell
To radiate  a vibrant health, within its citadel.

Empowered by thoughts, this essence blends treatment for the whole,
 Both mind and body exercise, denying not the soul,
As each respects its counterpart, embracing as a vine,
  The soul and body exercise, throughout all of time.
A dwelling for Creator God the soul has planned with care,
 And chose an earthly body house to make both more aware.
So will the soul be free to rush the healing to each cell,
 And radiate a vibrant health within its citadel.
Reflecting in the pool of life - the image soul has set,
 Embracing all with waves of hope, love's silent alphabet.

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