Tuesday, November 26, 2013


While sharing his medical tips Dr. Oz in  "Hello Canada" says to never visit the doctor's office without having a friend with you and a tape recorder for accuracy.

After nearly three decades of marriage with four children, he counts the Canadian health system an excellent one.  "But many of my patients in both U.S. and Canada could help themselves with preventative care.  The food we eat as well as the exercise we take and friends we cultivate could help save many lives and extend the life span of others."

Changing to a balanced diet with less sugar and salt to be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables would restore health and bring greater contentment.  During the depression that came after the First World War the treat of the week came after a Sunday United Church sermon held in the local school house.  We walked the mile or so home and received one piece of cake for the noon meal dessert.  During the winter months the student minister went back to his college studies to prepare for his life's work.

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