Sunday, October 13, 2013


I saw you smile and felt your care,
Your sweet and sincere deed,
You planted deep within two hearts,
Some lovely kindness seeds,
Then angel bells rang from Heaven,
Though silent felt so good,
Heaven's angels sent them back to you,
That said, "I knew you would."

Each kindness seed grows flowers too,
And daily joy bells ring,
Both hearts will feel this sincere joy,
The happiness it brings.

You gave a hug of sympathy,
When someone tripped and fell,
You helped them to rise up again,
Again we felt Heaven's bells.
Each seed will grow more lovely flowers,
In the Garden of both hearts,
Lighting up those sincere smiles,
As they blend their joyful parts.

You've helped others rise again,
Again we feel Heaven's bells.
Flashing lovely flowers around,
Throughout Earth's hills and dells,
Lighting up both Heaven and Earth,
Together tunes all hearts.
Each seed will grow still more flowers,
And we all can play a part.

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