Wednesday, May 22, 2013


   Lifestyle changes can play a role in reducing the risk of developing cataracts, diabetes, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma, if you already have them..

*  PROPER EATING.  A healthful diet high in green leafy vegetables, fish, fruit and other food high in antioxidants protect from age-related eye diseases.

*  WATCHING YOUR WEIGHT.  Obesity has been linked to the progression of AMD and an increased  risk of cataracts, diabetic retinopathy  and glaucoma.

*  EXERCISE.  Regular physical activity will reduce your risk of developing AMD, lower eye pressure that is linked with glaucoma and reduce diabetic retinopathy's progression.  Exercise also fights night sweats.  Doing 50 minutes of aerobic exercise four days a week for six mornings reduced the incidence of menopause related night sweats, irritability and mood swings according to a Finnish trial of 176 women who were not serious exercisers.  Researchers compared the group that exercised with a control group that attended bimonthly health lectures.

*  CONTROL BLOOD PRESSURE, BLOOD SUGAR AND CHOLESTEROL LEVELS.  Ask your doctor about a program that is best for you.

*  DO NOT SMOKE AND DRINK VERY LITTLE.  Smoking is associated with all four eye disorders.  Too much alcohol is known to increase the risk of cataracts.

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