Sunday, December 25, 2011


   Muscle power grows with the exercise taken.  Our lives are full of temptations that tax self control and drain our will power but a new and growing body of research says we can make it through the day and it’s not as hard as you may have imagined.  According to Roy Baumeister, PhD, director of social psychology at Florida State University, willpower functions like a muscle.  It can be strengthened to make you more productive, less stressed and happier.  All that is needed are a few healthy habits to keep your willpower tank full.  Dr. Baumeister monitored workers in Germany and was surprised to find that people spent 3 to 4 hours per day resisting desires.  He was surprised and puzzled to find that people with strong self control spent less time resisting desires than other people did.  The explanation began to emerge.  They were better at proactively arranging their lives to avoid problem situations.  They are the ones who take their car to the garage before it breaks down and steer clear of all-you-can eat buffets.  They set themselves up so they have a realistic chance of succeeding.

   “You can’t control surprise stresses so be prepared and don’t dawdle,” says Dianne Tice, PhD, a psychologist at Florida State University. “Impulsiveness is likely behind it.  When anxious or bored we may give in to the urge to improve our moods by doing something negative.  We’re mostly kidding ourselves and get sick more than those working on a schedule.  It is time to bite the bullet.  It’s hard to work when you’re tired and hungry.  You may be tempted to miss regular meals and not get a good night’s sleep and what you save in time you pay for later.  The next time you feel your will power begins to flag, grab an apple or a few almonds and be sure to get your rest and reward yourself often in other ways.  Make a weekly chart showing a line sloping downward.” she adds.  Going for a short run with one of your children can put a new perspective on the day.  Time alone with Dad is always special and it will give Mom time to individualize quiet moments with another family member, friend or plans for upcoming holiday get-togethers so important at the Christmas and Easter seasons.

   If we can keep those will-power muscles exercised and tuned into this extended way of thinking they get strengthened and the weekly chart you made and your mirror will bring delight to your day and likely add another decade to your life of good health and well being.  This helps us understand the results of this new way of thinking tested at Florida State University

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