Friday, September 16, 2011


Folks stepping out for a walk at the pace of 4 mph (around 30 steps a minute) fared better at fighting age-related weight gain than those strolling at a leisurely pace. But either way a walk limbers up the entire system and sets every joint up for the excitement of the day.

Since there is only one over-the-counter weight loss aid with FDA approval, unlike the many dizzying tries in all diet categories, we can let the body help us along by tuning it up and keeping all systems moving well. And don’t forget that all body cells are talking to each other all the time. It could be called your inner t-phone. Their silent words may be saying, “How about a little lube job to smooth up those joints and keep them supple so they can move the whole system along with ease.” A spoon is the only tool required to get things rolling and in tune. A tablespoon of flax or fish oils can join in with the help of a muscle to deposit your whole grain cereals in your breakfast dish. I take two tablespoons of these mixed oils at my breakfast meal. The oils even make your cereals or toast taste kind of creamy after you have laid aside the orange or grapefruit peelings that have started the breakfast meal. Those fruit slices and other juices make you want to stretch your arms out and join over your head, eager to meet the excitement of the day. Later when you meet other walkers, a nod or a smile together with pleasant thoughts cheers your day as you think of something you admire about them and how these thoughts help shape the day with delight for both of you and keep everything in tune.

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