Saturday, November 20, 2010


The thoughts we form lead to our deeds that guide throughout the day,
Bringing peace and happiness, from things that folks may do or say.
Nourishing each day with love, as angels help from realms above,
Adding thoughtfulness and cheer through each day of the year.

The cook adds flavours to our foods with the salt or pepper she may use,
Small amounts will add the zest needed for our pleasure quest.
Conversation on our way brings more happiness each day.
Appreciation’s words of thanks – more than cash placed in the bank.

Background music helps to say, you’ve brought pleasure to my day.
A smile, a touch, a word of cheer adds its joy throughout the year.
Bundled up with memories sweet, brings pleasure to new friends we meet.
Enjoy each day, this gift of time, ours to treasure through Earth’s time.

1 comment:

Cicero Sings said...

I hope you are enjoying your new place ... more company etc ... and not so much work!

You must still have your computer by the looks of things.

Hope you are keeping well and receiving lots of cheer from those around you!