Thursday, March 14, 2013


I felt that love, your sincere soul, your sweet and kindly deeds,
 You planted deep within my heart, a lovely kindness seed,
Then angel bells seeped to both souls, though silent, felt so good,
  Within they added special joys that said, “I knew indeed it would.”

Each kindness seed sprouts fast with cheer, and each time joy bells ring,
 Both hearts sense that special joy, and happiness it brings.
You gave a hug of sympathy, when someone tripped and fell,
  Helping them rise up again, again we sensed Heaven’s bells.

Then each seed grew a lovely flower, in the garden of your heart,
 That lit the souls that Heaven had given - we’re all not far apart.
Then spread through glowing fields of flowers, affecting one and all,
  As prayers of thanks returned to Heaven, responding to love’s call.

No need for loud or hurtful words, they will backfire as fuel,   
  Use kind words given us of old, they’re called The Golden Rule.
“As you would have done to yourself, do also unto them.
   At home or work or school, this works for women or men.”

Sue Davis
March 13, 2013

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