Saturday, March 2, 2013


A land of beauty, hope and love where many tribes have roamed,
  And walked its hills and dales and found a special home.
Then from the bounties of this land, others came to share,
  To blend their cultures, hopes and dreams, each culture came aware.
The noble red, the white, the tan, intrepid blacks and browns,
   By living love and sharing, all wore a victor’s crown.

With pleasant thoughts, ideals and growth, a special beauty share,
   Their cultures, hopes and dreams to blend, and treat each other fair.
With higher thoughts, ideals and growth, a special beauty shone,
  Transcending selfishness and greed, this beauty felt and known.

Each person, shade of color showed a trust that all could share,
  To form a great mosaic as, together all played fair,
And thus to build a land of peace that spread throughout the earth,
   Sharing wealth and power found, sweet living showed true worth.

S.B. Davis

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