Thursday, March 15, 2012


To lands of beauty, hope and love, many folks came here,
  With caring hearts to build a life their dreams have held so dear.
And from the bounties of this land, many hearts would share,
  To blend their cultures with caring hearts, as more become aware.
With peaceful hearts, ideals and growth, a special beauty show,
  Transcending selfishness and greed, blending so all can know.

Each color, race or nation has, a value rich and rare,
  To blend a great mosaic as the best of each is shared.
And thus to build a land of peace to spread throughout the Earth,
  Not riches, wealth or power but hearts that show true worth.
The noble red, the white, the tan, all shades of black and brown,
  By living love with caring hearts, each wears a victor’s crown.

S.B. Davis


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