Many health problems could be
entirely prevented by balancing the body’s pH level according to Simone Gabbay,
RNCP, a nutritionist based in Toronto . Blood should be at or near a pH of 7.4. The body mobilizes a special buffering system
and draws on its alkaline reserve, consisting of mineral stores, to neutralize
acidity. The pH (potential hydrogen)
scale is applied to measure acidity or alkalinity of body fluids. Its values range from 0 to 14, acid to
alkaline, with 7 being neutral. For
optimum health and metabolic function, most body fluids must be slightly
alkaline. Minerals in the alkaline
reserve must be replenished regularly.
An alkaline-forming diet is
therefore important. All foods, after
being metabolized, leave either acid or alkaline-forming elements in the
body. They include calcium, sodium,
magnesium, iron, potassium, and manganese.
Most vegetables and fruits are in this category. Acidifying foods supply predominantly
acid-forming minerals like copper, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, and
silicon. Meats, grains, most fats and
dairy products belong in this group.
There are several charts
listing foods in the acid and alkaline categories (see acid/alkaline chart in
Simone Gabbay’s book, “Nourishing the Body Temple ,
P. 21). Freshly picked, sun-ripened
vegetables and fruits grown in organic soil are higher in alkaline-forming
minerals than those grown in chemically imbalanced soil and harvested
prematurely. An alkaline forming diet
may be achieved by building meals around fresh vegetables and fruits, with
smaller proportions of cereals, dairy and meat that are typically featured in
the North American diet. Avoid fried
foods, processed foods, and foods high in refined starches and sugars which are
highly acid-forming and rob the body of nutrients when they are
metabolized. Her Web site is
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