Monday, December 29, 2008


This is from a Victorian Order of Nurses

1. Drink plenty of water. (eight glasses a day) Keep the 'plumbing'
clean and flowing.

2. Eat raw fruits and vegetables every day. Keeps the bowels clean and
rolling on. Eat raw carrots, raw celery and lettuce daily, and support
the immune system, and it will support you. It's your best friend.
3. Avoid sugars and starches.

4. Get outside in fresh air (hopefully with sunshine). Skin and retina need
it to do their preventive jobs.
5. Laugh and smile often. A l0 minute belly laugh elevates T-cell (immune
system's fighter cells) for 72 hours.
6. Avoid cold drafts and stay dry.
7. Lovingly and sincerely pray for others.


l. No sugar.
2. Drink plenty of water (ten glasses a day).
3. No starches, None! (always consult your doctor to confirm).
4. No juices. Drink water instead.
5. Have a nice soak in a steamy tub with epsom salts and sea salt.
6. Sip a cup of red clover tea.
7. Put on a funny movie or read the comics and have lots of laughs!
(If you start this regime at the beginning of a cold, and have a day
of fresh fruits and vegetables with plenty of water (organic black
coffee is okay) the cold will not be supported and be gone in a day.

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