Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The 2008 fall weather had been quite mild, mostly without frost at night and only a few skiffs of snow. A week before Christmas a heavy snowstorm zoomed in with a bang. Even Vancouver weather changed and almost forgot how to rain as heavy snow blocked many streets.

"We're going to Grandma Stewart's today," the grandchildren announced, "and our two uncles will be there too." The "two" was emphasized since one of the uncles had been living overseas and had now moved back to Vernon. It was always a delight when the uncles offered them a "donkey back ride," but that would happen after dinner. One of the uncles volunteered to be a kitchen helper as the biscuits were freshly baked and the feast spread. Daddy carved the turkey and Grandma had already set the table. A blessing was offered and the children picked up their plates and selected from the feast at the buffet table. When grandchild number 2 returned with her plate her older sister had usurped her place. "Now which one had selected that place first?" Daddy asked. That was the rule to quietly and gently bring differences to an end. Both wanted to sit between Mommie and one of the uncles. "But wait," Daddy said, "you can sit across the table between your other uncle and GiGi. The baby is sitting in her booster seat between grandma and Mommy". That all made sense, and the usual rule was honored. I've never heard any voices raised, having the rules in place seems to bring each difference to a close.

After dinner gifts were passed out, the most popular ones being the puppets who are soon talking to each other as well as with the girls. Grandma had even brought home a Tasmania devil puppet when she returned from her vacation in Australia. Being a puppet, it was mild and gentle without the sharp bite they are noted for. She tells us their teeth are so sharp they can gnaw the hoof off an animal. When the animal is sleeping they do not feel it. In the case of a horse the owner can have a smith install a horse shoe so they can walk without stumbling. GiGi always requests no gifts because she needs nothing new, but never refuses garden vegetables like beets when people have extra. Then one of the girls brought a gift over for me but that was okay because it was a calendar their grandmother purchases to help raise money for Grannies a Gogo who care for African children whose parents have died from Aids. It was a lovely Christmas celebration.

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