Monday, December 1, 2008


December rings the Christmas bells,
Time to think of gifts,
What could I find for a surprise
To give someone a lift.
It's said that Santa's helpers are,
The ones who make his toys,
Together making gifts up North,
For all good girls and boys.

But then they found those girls and boys,
Already had so much,
Last year's toys must be sent,
To landfills and turned to smutch.
And as their sleigh flew overhead,
Saw last year's toys just waste,
Prancer said, "Let's make some books,
With empty pages placed,
Their stories - even numbered page,
Odd numbers for our space.

Then we can tell each other what
We had done all year,
Kind words and deeds for others,
And things we had done to cheer.
And as ideas come to mind
Thoughts or pictures say,
Some elves are real people that
We see most every day.
They live in normal houses,
And walk on normal streets,
Look nornal every day - except,
Within a great heart beats.

These gifts will need no wrapping,
Or colored ribbons bright,
Their love moves softly, heart to heart,
With warmth that makes things right.
Kind deeds that only hearts can give,
The ones that are the best,
This lovely essence from the heart,
Brings love to friends and guests.

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