Saturday, February 28, 2015


A door of mystery marked my path in mellow golden light,
Receding toward a distant place to blend in with the night.
Upon the outer wall a sign its welcome words purveyed,
"A place of peace awaits within, where none need be afraid."
"The entrance key is locked within the confines of each soul
Where silent intuitions wait, in hidden secret scrolls.
That know the heart - the souls desire, Within its phase of time,
Where wisdom's touch awaits the will to make its knowledge mine.

And in the twilight glow I heard a creature call for aid,
Then reaching forth to lend a hand, the lock began to fade.
And barriers that once loomed large in consciousness were gone,
From finite to the infinite to move in rhythmic song.
To blend in harmony as one, uniting searching hearts.
To share the music of the spheres, as each one plays a part.
Each time a kindly word is said, it opens up a door,
To share  a secret kind of hope and confidence restore.

As core beliefs that bind are changed, we find the strength of will,
To join with flesh by faith to find life's deepest yearning filled
With daily confidence to share a walk that generates.
A strength and energy that spreads like waves upon a lake.
And as our thoughts speak to each cell our inner life expands,
To open up the doors that spread new life throughout the land.

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