Saturday, February 14, 2015


A new commandment came to man, two thousand years ago,
"love each other, Jesus said, Unselfish love bestow,
This lovely gracious way of life, so many have passed by,
Remains still new to many who, still live self center, me, my and I
For all need love and kindness, friends, neighbors, plant life too,
Friends, relatives, all those we meet, need kindnesses from you,

That kindness may be part of us, upon the stage of time,
Not for a name or thanks to gain, bur for content of mind,
For every being whom we meet, is no way less divine,
The inner kingdom of each one with different aspects shine.
If the acts of others come that caused us grief or pain,
The strength of will to minimize, will bring a spiritual gain.

For unkind deeds like boomerangs strike sadness to the soul,
Of senders in their thoughtless rush, and hinders their true goal.
For selfish ones, give gentleness, that encourages others too,
At times a gentle word will do, sends love to them and me and you,
A shadow is of higher love, that in their hearts may dwell.
A meditation hour can tune into this special power as well.
Directing power to those in need helps brotherhood to flower,

So burdens weary for those least ones find that special power.

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