Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Who is at the feeding trough and rooting others out,
Are they the brightest and the best? There should be no doubt.
Who begged to be elected and coaxed folks to donate more,
With only empty promises like worms within the core.
Who struggles when their debts are left, wages from the poor?
The cutbacks from their health care needs, saying "Show them to the door."
Would the brightest and the best leave kids in moldy schools?
Increasing future health care needs, expects taxpayers are fools.
Who thinks "Let grandkids pay our debts while we're in sunny climes.
You could have changed things with your vote, so you shouldn't mind."
"Minimum wages can be slashed, it worked for us before,
Increase monthly health care fees, they will still pay more."
"Just pay up and be silent, we don't care how you think or feel,
I'm having a great ego trip, our power keeps you at bay."
I'm having a great ego trip, and hold the Golden Purse,
Be quiet then, just stumble through, we could have made it worse."
So of weight and power, can someone tell us how?,
For such , there never is enough and never satisfied,
since power creates more needs, for such there never is enough,
Its time to take more heed.
Anonymous author.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Passing out of the shadow into a purer light,
Stepping behind the curtain, Getting a clearer sight,
Laying aside the burden, this weary mortal coil,
Done with the world vexations, done with tears and toil,
Tired with earth's playthings, heartsick and ready to sleep,
Ready to bid our friends farewell, wondering why they weep,
Passing out of the shadow, into eternal day,
Why do we call it dying, this sweet going away.
Author unknown for the above poem.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
In this kingdom called Earth on its pages of time,
We are writing the script for each day,
Deeds of kindness and love fills the hours given us,
Life's signposts will show us the way.
Decorating each one with smiles of love,
Helps to show others the way,
A breeze of love carries it on,
Cheering the hearts of all you meet.
Places upon the pages of time,
Making each moment yours and mine.
Finding for each one a sacred trust,
Each moment both yours and mine.
Monday, new day, new day of each week,
Decisions, choices, new hours of time,
We call it our working day,
And its ready its part to play.
The fuel pump plays an eager part,
In fact its first line,
Inspiring words and screens up its part.
All value the hours of time.
A menu page mentions the food to fix,
Two of water and one of grain,
You chose it last night, so to make flour soft,
Morning's simmering fifteen minutes remains.
A fruit plate offers a peach or a pear,
Asks to join the others that day,
An orange bounces around with glee,
And offers its entrance to play,
That will be best for another time,
So we will keep you all in line.
Be patient and maybe be yours or mine.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Each year, about half the seniors who
are in their 80's and 90's suffer a fall, according to Marvin M.
Lipman, M.D. Ten percent of these are seriously injured and even
though they have weathered cancer or a heart attack or are seriously
injured in other ways, they do not survive. Sometimes death may
occur immediately but a fall may cause a broken neck or a brain
bleeding as a result of complication from the initial injury.
Aside from the proverbial slip on a
banana peel, the causes of most falls are age related. They include
painful arthritis, strokes, and nutritional deficiencies that can
lead to nerve damage in the feet or other other areas of weakness.
If medications have caused dizziness and decreased alertness make
you suspect, you're at risk of falling during daily activities,so
discuss your concerns with your doctor.
Of all the various causes of major
falls, impaired gait and balance account for most. So test yourself.
Are you limping or shuffling? Can you do heel-to-toe walking
(taking steps with one foot directly in front of the other) without
lurching off-balance. Can you stand on one leg for at least 30
seconds. Less than that suggests a balance problem. You can also do
two other tests - both have a high predictive value for future falls
you flunk. For the get Up and Go Test, sit in a chair without arms,
rise, walk 10 feet forward, quickly turn, walk back to the chair, and
sit. Have an observer time you. If it takes more than 14 seconds,
you are at risk for falls.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Topping the list of plant foods that offer healthy eating as well as top nourishment, we could make a right turn and stop at a berry patch on our way home. Berries are rich in plant chemicals and help the brain clear toxic proteins in the brain. One detailed disease can decrease any toxic proteins in the brain. In Alzheimer's Disease (AD) brain cells become clogged with these protein toxins. A berry-rich diet activates the grain's natural house cleaning process, helping it remove toxins and other compounds that can interfere with brain function. Blueberries in particular have been a good defense against Alzheimer's. It encourages certain white blood cells to gobble up proteins that fouls up brain function. Even some preliminary evidence from an experiments with rabbits shows that curcumin can help generate brains after a stroke. When it comes to brain protection, read the following.
Fatty fish is the single food with most evidence to back up these experiments. Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout are all rich in these products. A four year study of older adults found that those who ate fish once a week were 60 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's than those who did not, or rarely, if ever, the researcher noted.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
From early morn through late hours, one
thought absorbed his mind,
To build his strength through exercise
and healthful food combined,
Success was his and honors too, gold
medals thee, then four,
Through dedications power of will, that
strengthened inner core.
A body built through exercise a
strength and power reflects,
Just so the mind's activities, the
mental strength projects.
Electromagnets storing power, latent
deep within,
So core beliefs can motivate beliefs
will power and discipline.
To carry on in spiritual growth, as
mind is exercised,
Beliefs can reform, and lives
transform, as patterns are revised.
To show results as to ourselves and
friends, we generate
A loving , useful attitude with mind
and soul true mates.
To face life with its challenges, its
present point of power,
As silent strength builds in the mind,
through meditations hour,
The mind, a window to the world,
attuning with the soul,
Believing, so desires within, may reach
their outward goal.
Then helping those along the way, this
attitude makes clear,
The spirit that is built within, the
precepts to revere.
The lessons that the Bible showed, the
oneness with all things,
The strength and healing can come from
power stored within.
Beliefs we choose are like the paint an
artist's pallet holds,
Dispersed upon the canvas face,a
picture will unfold.
When these beliefs no limits know,
convincing us we can,
From thoughts will come reality, to
form at our command.
As limitations are released we cast out
doubts and fears,
True wisdom, health or wealth - all
those needed things,
will move within our sphere. much like
the strength of wings.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
A door of mystery marked my path in mellow golden light,
Receding toward a distant place to blend in with the night.
Upon the outer wall a sign its welcome words purveyed,
"A place of peace awaits within, where none need be afraid."
"The entrance key is locked within the confines of each soul
Where silent intuitions wait, in hidden secret scrolls.
That know the heart - the souls desire, Within its phase of time,
Where wisdom's touch awaits the will to make its knowledge mine.
And in the twilight glow I heard a creature call for aid,
Then reaching forth to lend a hand, the lock began to fade.
And barriers that once loomed large in consciousness were gone,
From finite to the infinite to move in rhythmic song.
To blend in harmony as one, uniting searching hearts.
To share the music of the spheres, as each one plays a part.
Each time a kindly word is said, it opens up a door,
To share a secret kind of hope and confidence restore.
As core beliefs that bind are changed, we find the strength of will,
To join with flesh by faith to find life's deepest yearning filled
With daily confidence to share a walk that generates.
A strength and energy that spreads like waves upon a lake.
And as our thoughts speak to each cell our inner life expands,
To open up the doors that spread new life throughout the land.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
A new commandment came to
man, two thousand years ago,
"love each other,
Jesus said, Unselfish love bestow,
This lovely gracious way
of life, so many have passed by,
Remains still new to many
who, still live self center, me, my and I
For all need love and
kindness, friends, neighbors, plant life too,
Friends, relatives, all
those we meet, need kindnesses from you,
That kindness may be part
of us, upon the stage of time,
Not for a name or thanks
to gain, bur for content of mind,
For every being whom we
meet, is no way less divine,
The inner kingdom of each
one with different aspects shine.
If the acts of others come
that caused us grief or pain,
The strength of will to
minimize, will bring a spiritual gain.
For unkind deeds like
boomerangs strike sadness to the soul,
Of senders in their
thoughtless rush, and hinders their true goal.
For selfish ones, give
gentleness, that encourages others too,
At times a gentle word
will do, sends love to them and me and you,
A shadow is of higher
love, that in their hearts may dwell.
A meditation hour can tune
into this special power as well.
Directing power to those
in need helps brotherhood to flower,
So burdens weary for those
least ones find that special power.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Once Plato said that virtue would embrace a word group four,
With prudence , temperance, fortitude and justice - but there is more.
When words are brought alive with deeds and daily spread around.
Inspiring, helping all, then virtue can abound.
Words brought to life with actions join the forces of the soul,
To effervescence and coalesce a charismatic whole.
An understanding from within, beyond the senses will
Interpret laws that bring about relief from every ill.
As tenon and the mortise join to form a smoother whole,
From virtue, understanding grows, to play its perfect role.
Not only mere observers here but part and parcel, we
Of living, universal laws, as members, that's the key.
The colors bringing harmony as morning sun just risen.
That may tune to Creative Force, reflecting through its prism,
Whose rays of hope and trust and faith give energies access,
To wisdom that true knowledge brings, so virtue may express.
To build this virtue in the mind as part of daily ways,
A meditation time apart, insures a brighter day.
Each moment holds its gift of life, a time to touch and find,
The way to help another's need, or ease a worried mind.
So virtue may spread forth its blooms of sweet and fragrant flowers
An essence blessing every life that passes through its bower.
As thoughts direct each act and deed to daily set the tone,
It blends with all earth's symphony and for you a happy home.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
“It is normal to have occasional episodes of minor forgetfulness
but some types of memory loss are more substantial than others as we
age,” says Arthur Kramer, a professor of psychology and neuroscience
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “For example, you
meet someone at a party and want to remember their name, what they
looked like and what you talked about,” Kramer added. The memory
takes different pieces of information and puts them all together. The
brain is surprisingly adept at compensating, and other types of memory
can improve or remain intact over time to help retain a vigorous mind.
In late adulthood, the brain region is responsible for forming
some types of memories – the hippocampus – shrinks one to two percent
annually, leading to memory challenges. Regular aerobic exercise
encourages the use of new brain cells even when workouts are not
In a trial published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences in January 2011, older adults were asked to either exercise
or stretch. Exercises began with 10-minute walking sessions,
extending them by one minute each week until they walked for 40
minutes three times a week. Over a year their hippocampal volume
increased by two percent on MRI brain scans, reversing age related
loss by one to two years and improvement of memory. Those who only
stretched showed a decrease in hippocampal area. Aim for at least 30
minutes a day, five days a week of moderate intensity aerobic
exercise, such as brisk walking or hiking. Social people are more
likely to retain their brain power. Over an average of five years,
the rate of decline on a broad range of cognitive abilities, including
several types of memory, was 70 percent lower in least socially
Regular consumption of fish, fruit and vegetables protect mental
ability. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh tracked the
diets and using MRIs, the brain volume of 260 older people with
cognitive function in a study presented at the Radiological Society of
North America in November of 2011. After 10 years, those who ate
baked or broiled fish at least once a week had larger and healthier
cells in brain areas responsible for memory and learning. Listening
to mellow music, visualizing pleasant scenes and writing your thoughts
all helps retain memory. Stop smoking if you do and limiting alcohol
are good ways to relieve stress.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Does each question beg and answer, the
mystery that it holds,
Sacred in its inner self, through
silence to unfold,
Am I me, yet one with Thee, how can
this thing be,
A presence near , that feels right
Together on the path of life,
awareness, one in heart,
An inner essence, guide and friend,
to practice spiritual parts,
A path to choose, a life to use, to
practice spiritual art.
A path to make, a life to take,
together as a team,
Joyous in the sacred self, and on God's
wisdom lean.
Still myself, as spirit grows, within
God's holy sphere,
An all embracing comfort place, a
presence very dear,
At times your presence seems to leave,
and flown to different climes,
Let me once more feel Thee near, and
at Thy table dine.
You say, "I never went away, I'm
with your living soul,
Your purity of love seek, a
cleansing sacred goal."
I cancel impure thought streams, and
send the far away,
Into the abyss of the past, I'm free
to live new ways.
Once more embracing soul's ideal,
eternal spirit lives,
A corpuscle in the heart of God,
that only He can give.
Conjoined within His sacred trust, in
work and all I do,
In fellowship to live and learn, as
daily life renews.
Thank you for your patience, that
cleaning out soul needs,
Resisting every grudge and thought
or other careless deed.
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