Saturday, December 27, 2014

Messages From the Earth

My eyes behold the sweeping landscape,
The rivers wide their stories tell.
Then rippling grasses dance in sunbeams,
While the mountains cast a mysterious spell.
God's message comes in the silent waters,
Can change change into a raging storm,
Then whispers soft in evening twilight,
Restoring the soul, our inner home.

Attuning to this inner wisdom,
Our conscience guides throughout each day.
To each a guardian angel spirit,
Provides us with protective rays.
And shows a bond with all creation,
The smallest flower, the tallest tree,
Each with its special song of wonder,
That blends its sound through earth
and sea.
To join in universal service,
With challenges still more refined,
Within, without, a heavenly kingdom,
To love and serve throughout all time.
With challenges, alone we conquer,
And walk with those on ancient roads,
Alone to see heaven's dazzling welcome,
To join those loved,in new abodes.

Monday, December 22, 2014

How to Avoid Prostate Trouble

Cancer is caused by the bottling information of negative emotions. It is not what we eat, but what eats us. At the mental and spiritual level we can avoid cancer by forgiving those who cause us harm and forgiving those who caused us harm. Cancer seems to occur more readily which is avoiding it to begin with.

“My prostate was in good shape until five years ago when the doctor examining me said it was enlarged which explained some urinary changes that I had noticed.It suggested a massages of olive oil and peanut oil every evening before retiring. Last fall I had another medical exam during which my doctor commented that I had the prostate of a 20 year old (I was 68) I reminded him of the first exam which he had forgotten. I mentioned my success to a friend who had prostate problems. This man experienced the same salutary results.”

Resisting every grudge or other careless deed . God's spirit dwells in everywhere, on standby and on call, responding to each sincere prayer to answer one and all and I am finding my sincere prayer will answer one and all. How beautiful and different our present world challenges would be when we feel and practice this forgiveness.    

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Slim and trim and sleek and suave is what they hoped to be,
Esteemed, admired and sought by all, "Best dressed of all," said she.
With furs ad finery to shape their her figures lean and bold,
A social register to make, all masked a heart ice cold.
Each whim or stylish fad of time that fashion might dictate,
A selfish hand reached forth to grasp, their ego to inflate.

And then one night a dream took shape, they stood upon a plane,
Where earth and time rolled back the years, each moment to reclaim.
They watched those hands of time reverse, unneeded furs were shed,
A white coat floated from each form, to seals no longer dead,
They saw a parents rich brown eyes awaken as in dream,
From nightmares that had rode the floe, the pups were white and clean.

No more their naked bodies lay, in bloodied splattered snow,
No more the sealers sullen ships, waited by the floe.
No more were mothers brutalized protecting babes they bore,
No longer did the voice of doom decree their death in gore.
She saw the years these hapless slaves provided fuel and food,
Cosmetic oils to smooth their hands, and warm coats for the cool.

If this be dreams, let me awake, this is so sad for me,
Let me awake that I may help those helpless from the sea.
Fast forward on the tapes of time showed writing on the wall,
The numbered days of many forms, she heard their desperate call.
The mercury poisoned waterways no fish or birds should use,
Life's fragile chain of smaller forms, so carelessly abused.

Those dwindling numbers herded back, she marked their areas small,
The elephants hard pressed for space, the songbirds lingering call,
Man called it progress, asked for more, demanded death for all -
Who hindered his voracious lust for money making sprawl.
As psychic symbols moved to view, a silver chord appeared,
That blended every form of life, their balance to revere.

For when man slashed at Mother Earth, her roots were wounded too,
A lifeline touching psychic needs, for peace and values true.
The poisons seeped into both souls that carelessly were thrown,
As waste in Mother Nature's store, a store that was his own,
She watched man join the march of death whose slow and ghastly pace,
Marched through a vale of drugs and tears, mutations sad disgrace.
For with man's plunder of the earth, the poisoned soil and air,
No more could bring the needs of health, from nature's squandered fare.
But hope may spring eternal still and change to better ways,

The dream declared that love and care could bring a better day.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Among the huddled masses that from Europe came,
A tiny golden visitor staked its claim to fame,
Somewhere in steerage passage with no ticket by my side,
I threw a shoot and anchored roots, in new lands far and wide.
Content to live in wastelands, my golden flower thrived,
In backyard tenement clutter, 'twas just thrilled to be alive.

On barren ground or homestead, this hardy alien grew,
Its puffballs - games for children, to scatter joy anew.
Unlike the dashing rosebud, whose thorns a child may fear,
The friendly dandelion waves, a stately stem with cheer.
Strong winds and rain may damage other dainty flowers,
But this sturdy willing immigrant stands tall through every shower.
Just weave me into garlands, I am a friendly flower,
To bed I go at sunset and rise a decent hour.
Like you, I love America, my new home top to tip,

Sharing nourishment and beauty, I am grateful for my trip.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


High on a hill a bent plum tree, lies half prone, where it started free,
A lightening bolt from a windblown board, bowed it low where the damage scored.
Its neighbors proud, stately and prim, towered above with their branches trim.
Yet a special charm embraces the eye, as hopeful branches their leaves hold high.
Summer will pass and a message tell, how a child can reach its fruit so well.
Its sturdy bole - a fine seat make, so handy to reach when its fruit we take.

What may have seemed like a mishap grim, has risen to bloom with hope from within.
Spreading its beauty and service free, a special delight - like no other near tree.
A message to all, soft breezes will tell, Its sturdy root still nourishes well.
The sun and the rain no favorites show, As small birds fly to branches so low.
Small children can reach its fruit so well, to share with their friends or even to sell.

"Don't feel sad that this plum tree fell, we can now reach its fruit, the children all tell."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


From Flanders fields red poppies flash,
Their show is speaking from the ash,
With undulating waves that flow,
Their sounds of silence tell of old,
Of wars that promised force brought change,
For life on Earth to rearrange.

To those who fell in lines of fire,
In death have joined this silent choir.
All so simple, yet profound,
Through change of thought - new life is found.
This hidden secret - thoughts bring power,
To demonstrate from modern towers.

Flashing from the heart to mind,
Translates with choice as speech refines.
That offers care and love for change,
And magnifies when we rearrange.
Thoughts that prove from new in power,
Speak for those dead in fields of flowers.
From history's page, as thoughts renew,
New President, new change in view.

Young voices help to speed the race,
A change through internet of space,
Pictures flash, hearts choose to change,
Fingers flash - thoughts rearrange,
Rejecting hate through power of mind,
Renewed through love, ALL people bind.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Our valley's known for kindly hearts, new winter's quarters - time to start,
We all look through the late fall days - all seeking for a place to stay.
A tiny spot that they will share - within their home, just anywhere.
We need only bits of food - though our bathroom habits can be rude.
Housekeeping work we leave for you, while making nests for homes anew.
I'll take a bit from her silk dress to make a lining for my nest.
Grandmothers have told us which is best.

And what a find - her lovely hair, those curly ends, I'm sure she'll share,
On padded feet her quilt I've crossed, soft and cozy just like moss.
But owner of this lovely home, unwilling was her home to share.
Leaping up in frantic fright, (I do such work in dead of night.)
She screeched - a frantic time ensued  - the sounds I heard were really rude.
I raced along her soft white arm - then under sheets to keep from harm.

Now I'll take a look around, near some books, a space I've found,
I'm seeking fabric for my nest, I trust she feel I'm not a pest.
Her soft and lovely dainty curls had looked and felt like real pearls.
With closets full of clothes to share, I'll take small bits, she won't care.
I feel she's had a change of mind, I smell cheese, how sweet and kind.
Upon a tiny wooden tray, served on the floor, I'm glad to stay,
Outside the snow hides grains of wheat, but peanut butter, what a treat.
What's that I hear - sounds like a snap, Grandmother had warned me,
 "Now watch for traps."  

Sunday, November 2, 2014


The fall season had arrived and my parents decided to go hiking on the flood plains at the edge of the foothills. To be sure picnic fixings would include me I did a little whining and it always works. To reach the water required a walk along an abandoned road through the forest that was closed to vehicle traffic with two foot high cement well-heads at the entrance. The road had once led to a natural gas well head and compressor station. In the opposite direction of the well head a game trail appeared leading down through the bush to a river. This large flood plane was made of rocks and my mom was planning to collect some nice ones although she had not figured on carrying any rocks this distance back to the truck. That is anyone's guess.

First it was hiking time and we set off along the flood plain, walked along the river's edge on the rocks. I went into the bush because those rocks were too hard for my soft little paws.. One thing we had to watch out for was bears. At that time of the year they are out in full force. My mom wore bear bells around her ankles and carried two tin plates to bang together in case we spotted a bear. My dad should have brought his shotgun just in case but he said we would e okay, Yeah, right, I thought. My parents were talking and I was nearby in the bush when I heard a rustling off to my right in a thick stand of spruce but I had to investigate this noise. I ambled further into the woods. My parents and the river were to my left. Then I heard my dad call me and give his shrill whistle but I wasn't about give up my search. Now all of a sudden I had he feeling that I was being watched. I tilted my head upwards, stuck my nose in the air and sniffed in every direction to see if I could get the scent of something, a faint odor in the wind, but of what? I wanted quiet so I could listen for any unusual sounds. Then I stopped dead in my tracks, just 10 feet in front of me, not one, not two, but three pairs of eyes peering ahead, right at me, three raccoons, clinging to the birch tree in deep concentration and looking me over.


Sunday, October 26, 2014


I searched to make true wisdom mine, to find its golden lair,
The halls of learning knowledge gave, but how had wisdom fared?
Impressive scholars with their books transmitted knowledge plain,
English history, special skills, but how could living change?
What application could be made for daily growth of soul,
Where all could live in harmony, with peace the real goal.
Then on the exit path a rose bowed low beneath the breeze,
To wave and whisper secret sounds that echoed through the trees.

Its mystery dropped a yearning seed within my heart that grew
And searched the inner corners for some light each day anew.
Its color deep, the subtle scent, was this its essence rare?
The mystic union joining all, that spirit all life shares?
The bud, a dainty unknown scroll, bedecked with diamond dues,
Revealing life's fragility, and beauty daily new.

That springs from some creative spark beyond its own resource,
The sun, the soil, the astral mists, all harking to its source.
Unspoken wisdom from the earth, translated by a flower,
Its gentle, silent symphony, Creator had empowered.
To show mankind he too may touch the earth, the sky above,
In meditative moments join, creations song of love.

In wisdom, find no fault at all or cherish some ill will,
And kill love's flower, and spoil the bower that kindness framed with skill.
True wisdom speaks with daily powers of mind,
To build the urge that will apply what wisdom's search can find.
In quiet moments wisdom speaks, each problem has a cure,
The answer lies within its plot, and search can make it yours.
Each gracious kindly word a way to find vibrations true,

And sets the tune and tone of life, in all we say and do.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The range of brain boosting nutrients you consume will very soon demonstrate how sharper your mind will operate. Many of our foods we consume are loaded with sugar which contributes to the shrinkage of key brain areas involved in mood regulations.
So we should make a note to eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains. Plant foods contain the minerals, vitamins and nutrients we need for optimal functioning. Grass fed meat as well as fish should be included if possible because they furnish new brain connections. The greater varieties of whole foods you consume, the broader the range of brain-boosting nutrients the more energized your mind will be.

Eggs are a powerhouse, a perfect brain food. The white of the egg is less needed but in nature used for the protection of the unhatched chick, and can be used for baking when making changes. Sometimes more B12 is needed to help form new brain cells for a new beginning. A deficiency could cause depression. Iodine is another plus for good thyroid or depression. Butter is also a brain food and helps with the production of new connections.

Anchovies are the densest source of omega fatty acids of cold water fatty fish and has twice as much as tuna and pregnant women who eat more omega-3s have children with higher IQs. Anchovies are healthier than tuna for another reason too. They are lower on the food chain and often free of brain-damaging mercury.

Arugula. Dark leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods we eat. Folate, which protects us from depression, originates in the leaves of plants. We do not want to neglect walnuts. One walnut in the palm of your hand has all the building blocks, will grow into a tree can be nearly as wide as a tree and tall as a ten story building contain a wealth of trace minerals and vitamins including copper and iron, manganese, calcium, vitamin E to relieve brain information and calcium.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014


A grand unguilded man of stone a hundred years through time,
 Looks through remote antiquity and toward man's upward climb.
Perhaps this faultless carving took those hundred years of toil.
  But many centuries more of search its mysteries time has foiled.
Its memory holds five thousand years, in retrospect to see,
 Unbroken tides of time and space, rolling o'er life's sea.
Though carved from stone a sentient face has watched great empires rise,
  And then diffuse through selfish acts and cause their own demise.
From grandeur to decay they move until the people learn,
 The way of love, respect for all, and thus real honor earn,
Departed ages with heir hopes, sorrows, joys and pain,
 All hinging on the will of man, his intent and his aim. 

The lion's archetype formed the paws, the head was that of man,
 A symbol of respect for all, each unit of Earth's Plan,
Upon its face so mild and kind, a longing seems to say,
"Rise up and know the strength of peace, a power that in you lays."
A force that calls to higher planes, where consciousness may roam,
 In meditation's moments calm, to set life's beat and tone.
His gaze is concentrated far, beyond the landscapes verge,
 Suggesting search for living truths, where mind and soul may merge.

To find the purity of life, a mind serene as he,
 A time to light with the heart, and keep man truly free.
To dwell within that secret place where science ends its trail
 And join the fine and mystic line, where inner peace prevails,
Life's silver chalice then may blend intelligence with will,
 Where dreams and aspirations meet to join the physical.

And then when further mysteries arise from secret chambers deep,
 The cool and quiet peaceful ways, the coming age will keep.
A silent army on the march, each body cell a part
 To route the mean and petty things from kingdoms in the heart.
To live with beauty greater than, all kingdom's formed by man,
Enchanting realms of consciousness in line with the Master's Plan.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


In gold and scarlet changing tones fall fashions of delight, 
 Unfold and change to winter tones with its less hours of light.
A harvest melody of sleep, brings creatures winter's rest,
 To temperate zones the birds have flown to be that seasons guest.
Sharp frosty chills from alpine hills, rolled down the hours of sun,
 Without a word the leaves have stirred as children play snow fun.

In nature's way. without delay, a downy quilt of snow, 
 Tucks all in tight for winter's night, safe from the stormy blow.
'Til spring stirs from the friendly hills, all misty eyed with dew,
A host of dainty buttercups raise spring bouquets to view.
 And whisper with the early breeze that spring is here once more, 
 They nod and wave in promenade, o'er valleys hills and shores.

The crocus soon will come along, fruit buds in early May,
  In silent scenes they stir new life, and flash their colors gay.
And in a lovely wordless way, recount the winter's night,
 Its tempest had laid waste old flowers but seeds safe from its blight.
Beneath its downy quilt of snow were safe from blizzards harm,
  Awaiting signal from the warmth of sunshine's soft alarm.

To grow and scatter joy once more when springtime comes along,
 And paint upon the rolling hills, bright tunes of gentle song.
That tells each soul who cares to know of subtle beauties rare,
 That emanate when seeds of love are sown with tender care.
Unseen unheard, a voiceless stage within the soul of man,
 On which a happy heart may dance with joy throughout life's span.
Through search and learning ever new, releasing thoughts that bind,
  As meditations moments free the tensions of the mind.
To harmonize life's instrument with patterns in the soul,
 That blends with all earth's orchestra in rhythm with the whole.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


As warm as sunshine after storm, a friendly face can be,
 And like the forms of leaves and flowers, and all made differently.
With some we pause to share an hour, with some a lifetime stay,
 To weave the patterns made to help all others on their way.
Then for the moments spent alone, they too can fruitful be,
 A fitting time to keep in touch with cosmic harmony.

Experiences shared with a friend, or times even spent alone,
 Form attitudes that generate life's inner mood and tone.
At times an inner longing calls for one who understands,
 And gives us time to sort out thoughts, or lend a helping hand.
This sharing with a treasured friend moves like a gentle ray,
 As sun that joins the fulsome breeze to stir the flowers of May.

New paths of hope to tread with care, new meanings comprehend,
 A warmth within to pass along to other needy friends.
In daily living as life moves, touching lives along the way,
  Our presence an encouragement, a helping healing ray.
A fountain in the desert that others see and know,
 Will rise to help your gift to them, as creative being flows.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


An ancient legend tells about an alpine boy whose folks
 Lived high upon a mountain top above the valley smoke.
The shining rays of morning sun danced on the town below,
 Showed windows made of solid gold beyond the ice and snow.
And every night he dreamed and prayed and hoped that one fine day
 He'd travel down that winding path, if he could find the way.
And touch those windows made of gold, and see the people there,
 Who sure must never have to work, or ever have a care.

And so one day he started out at sunrise clear and bright,
  The windows flashed their golden rays, just like a guiding light.
Scare taking time to see the flowers that swayed and waved near town,
  He hurried through the rippling grass, before the sun went down. 
And on the dusty windblown streets, folks hurried here and there,
  And no one saw the unknown child, or even seemed to care.
A kindly woman sensed his need, and helped him in his plight,
"The golden windows? There they are high on that mountain bright."
The sun shone on his own small home from rosy skies that night, 

And as the night breeze tucked the hills and flowers in for rest,
 A starry mantle covered all, a dream explained his quest.
 The gold he found in that small town lay in that heart so kind,
That gave him warmth and food and love, and cheered his worried mind.
 And helped him up the mountain side, where alpine flowers rare,
Brought gladness to a happy heart, a beauty all can share.
 And found through time that values true come from the heart within,
Where grows the kingdom of God's love,  A'midst the outward din. 

Monday, September 15, 2014


The language of the singing brook echoes many tongues,
Through rivers, canyons to the sea, its rhythmic voice has rung.
It resonates in thunder clouds, its lyrics ride the waves,
To fly the skyways back to land, and rocks and hills engrave.
Through cataracts and dashing falls and moistened soil and sands,
It leaps the rapids, climbs the waves to vaporize or land.

In ever changing forms to spread lush beauty through the earth,
To blend with sun and soil to bring all living things new birth.
We looked upon the flowing stream, its art in silhouette,
Embossed upon the water's face, life's words of wisdom set.
Of longing for a daughter or son whose bonds must break away.
The burning path of life's desires, they hurry to survey.

Each concentrating on a goal or looking for a way,
And hastening to the waterfalls, the river, sea and spray.
Lamenting, laughing voices sound, with pleasure, joy and pain,
A spring, a rain, a thunderstorm to flow anew again.
The voices all blend into one, the music of life's stream,
To merge and find in unity, a harmony serene.

Surrender to the sea of life, compassion has begun,
No more to fight with destiny, true wisdom's voice is one,
That tunes to all who ride life's breeze o'er ocean's depths of time,
Transferring energies as foam that caps each wave to climb.
On ocean's furrowed face to sit, an instant poised in flight.
Traversing chasms to crest again and leap toward the heights.
And on this sweeping journey give new strength to life within,
And from each valley climb the peak, renewed to start again.
In ever changing waves to spread great beauty through the earth,

To blend compassion, love and trust that brings all life new birth.

Monday, September 8, 2014


I call upon an  ailing friend to cheer him on his way,
 And watch the kind concern and care the healing staff displays,
Encouraging the will and mind to listen to each cell,
 So intuitions prompting thoughts can help build health as well.
  With gentle, warm deliberate care promoting peace and calm,
 Each cell can blend in consciousness, to find its healing balm.

For nature has designed for all a cure for every ill.
 Blending hope, faith and love with healing prayers at will.
Infusing through each atom's tone, from orbits from within,
 The cells will blend with faith and love and blessings from your kin.
So will the soul be free to rush in healing to each cell
To radiate  a vibrant health, within its citadel.

Empowered by thoughts, this essence blends treatment for the whole,
 Both mind and body exercise, denying not the soul,
As each respects its counterpart, embracing as a vine,
  The soul and body exercise, throughout all of time.
A dwelling for Creator God the soul has planned with care,
 And chose an earthly body house to make both more aware.
So will the soul be free to rush the healing to each cell,
 And radiate a vibrant health within its citadel.
Reflecting in the pool of life - the image soul has set,
 Embracing all with waves of hope, love's silent alphabet.

Monday, September 1, 2014


A garden framed the studio, laced with trees and  vines,
  And through a flower-decked latticework the robins danced and dined.
The painter searched each palette plate for colours blends and tones,
  To place upon the canvas face a painting all its own.
The canvas formed a life on Earth, beliefs the palette held,
  With mixes bold and delicate from these a life to meld.

An outline thought must first be brought to life upon the page,
  A house for time, a body-mind, to frame life's foliage.
As thoughts moved to reality, emotions lent their light,
  Imaginations powerful forge the patterns would unite.
And beauty breathed its fragrance through the living canvas face,
  Stirred by desire within the soul these thought tones to embrace.

From lofty thoughts, a breeze of love joined hands within the heart,
  That reached in willingness to share, life's moving work of art.
For no thing lives just for itself, all join in veils unseen,
  So beauty lives as beauty gives, to paint its helpful scene.
As islands rise above the sea, yet hidden from the sight.
  They join within mysterious depths as silent paths unite.  
Contributing throughout Earth's change, where once obscured in time,
  Foundation plates, new patters make as trenches mountain climb.
The artist paints his beauty on the face of Earthly time,
  Each day accepting challenges, his path of peace to find.
Each changing moment to reflect the work of art within,
  Inspiring those one meets each day, co-workers, friends and kin.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


I watched the giant wheels turn and generate a power,
  That sent its motion energy during breezy hours. 
The bucket paddle passed along its waters fast and clear,
  Cooperating  to send forth a power in its sphere.
The scientists have learned to use this helpful natural law,
   In unity a strength to show a power on which to draw.

In man's pursuit of happiness, his daily walk and talk,
  Cooperation power works as mind designs each thought. 
To blend the self with soul's ideals and find in consequence,
  A growth of unity and aim to touch a higher sense.
As one helps those within his sphere, they help others too,
  Like the paddle wheel power, when water surges through.

And as we place within our hearts a guide at access door,
  Higher thoughts bring matching acts keeping channels pure. 
In silent moments to reveal a oneness with all things,
  Bringing hope and strength renewed as inner turbines spin.
So love's true seed within the heart can draw these energies,
  To open up a path of light and share its beauties free. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


My husband sometimes had dreams that would often come true but he didn't encourage me to tell others about it; One weekend he mentioned he was going to a nearby lumber place for some 2 x 4 's that were 8 foot long because he had a friend who worked there sometimes on a Saturday who could help load it. He asked if I wanted to come along but since I was baking bread that day and declined. He replied that he likely didn't really need my help because a friend worked there and would likely help him load it according to a dream he had. They were out of the 8 foot long 2 x 4's and said he could have the 10 foot long ones for the same price. It turned out the longer ones worked best for our needs.

Many years later I am aware that I am being guided by dreams. For example, in a dream I am driving my fw5 and see I must swing to a right hand turnoff. I arrive at a large parking lot with no other cars parked there. I walk forward to the first door I see in a large building and turn off. I open the door and see Bob and rush to meet him with welcoming arms but he raises his arms to let me know that I must not proceed. I realize that I must not touch him or try to proceed. With a pleasant smile he turns right and I awaken and suddenly realize I am home in my own bed.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Orion Water Delivery

When we lived on our Orion half section homestead (10 miles) south of Orion in southern Alberta the spring run-off arrived and our well water usually gave out early before the hot summer season. The two mile trip to the Manyberries Creek by horse and wagon had enough for less than week.

Then my brother Paul, age 12,would have to hitch up our team of horse and wagon and bring the barrels of water home throughout the summer until fall began to change to winter season, bringing winter's snow which filled our double boiler that sat on our stove.

On this particular July day the last two barrels were loaded and clanged into each other with a resounding clash. The team of horses bolted in fear. There was a dike by the roadway near our one room school and the horses had to race up a half way high bridge and trail. I tried to hang onto something but when the horses got stalled trying to climb up the dike I had a few moments to make a fast decision and jumped out of the wagon into to the ditch. My brother Paul ran up to get me and brought his two year old small bleeding sister home for our Mother to patch up. With no fenced yard we had to watch out for our neighbour's bull, Seafoam, who tried to race for our trail. Fortunately the lower small bridge would keep him from reaching us.  

Friday, July 25, 2014


The first anniversary of the land mark "Surgeon General's Report on smoking and Health," brought the first government report linking smoking to lung cancer and heart disease and the kickoff to decades of tobacco-control efforts. We have seen progress in the half century and we see adults make progress by 42 percent to 18 percent and high school teens dropped in 1997 to 14 percent in 2012. Even so, smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death.
Efforts to market a smokeless cigarette began in the 1960's but the idea languished until 2005. China began exporting them first to Europe and then to the U.S. An estimated $1.5 billion in 2013 and then more than 100 companies began to sell e-cigarettes and you can buy them at Walmart. and then larger companies got into the game by featuring celebrities.

With these new type of cigarette we do not know what other worrisome chemicals are being scattered around in our bodies making it difficult for doctors to diagnose health challenges, that can lead to an early death. Having a part in music, sports and family life in general, as well as church and travelling the world, gardening or giving a boost to others can bring their own set of pleasures.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014


The four most common conditions - cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related degeneration are leading causes of vision impairment. It not only reduces your quality of life but is linked to more falls, car accidents and even a shorter life span. Eye exams should begin regular every year or two beginning at age 65. You can be tested by an ophthalmologist (M.D.), a doctor trained to diagnose and treat eye disorders. Cataracts are cloudy areas in an eye's lens as we age and lead to hazy, blurry vision and sensitivity to glare. A professor of clinical ophthalmology at Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons at Harlem Hospital says "If an older person can read and watch TV, they don't generally have to have their cataract removed. Its an individual decision." There is insufficient evidence from studies to know whether tinted-lens implants might also be linked to problems. Millions of adults suffer from diabetic retinopathy which includes damage to the blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye causing vision loss. Blood can sometimes leak into the retina blurring vision. Surgery can stabilize vision and reduce the risk of blindness by 90 percent, according to the National Eye Institute. Doctors can inject intravenously and identify blood vessels in the retina to detect any problem areas. Blood leaking into the retina often happens during sleep. That is why people with diabetes should get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. A dye injected intravenously is used to identify blood vessels in the retina and detect problem areas. Laser surgery can stop blood leakage and stabilize vision and reduce the risk of blindness by 90 percent. Severe bleeding may require surgery. A tiny incision in the eye can drain the bloody fluid and replace it with a salt solution and patients can usually return home the same day.

If an eye disease leaves you or someone you care for with weakened vision, ask your doctor about accommodations and devices that may enhance the remaining vision and information on community groups that offer special services.  

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


ALMONDS - Are great in salads. Add three almonds per day to oatmeal, as well as to salads, Place any of these foods in a blender and enjoy a long healthy life.

AVOCADO - Half an avocado is great for adding to these smoothies as well as salads.

BLACK BEANS - A half cup of black beans can be included to any soups and salads.

BROCCOLI - can be added to salads as well as served as a side dish.

KALE, SPINACH, WALNUTS, - are all good for tucking into some "on the run" snacking. Keep some dark chocolate handy to please your sweet tooth, or do like my brother-in-law does. He adds all or any of of these together and places them all in their blender with necessary liquid, and his cancer scare can no longer be found in his system. He and his wife, my sister, get needed exercise before or after enjoying this nourishing and healthy meal.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


We walked up a slope where dandelions grew,
But some said not to like them, though in secret I do.
They rescued the hungry when they were in need,
Then spring came along with more wonderful deeds.
They offer bouquets should a stiff frost arrive,
Then you bring them inside to keep them alive.

Fast forward in time, you soon learned how to speak
In silent sign language, that it is really quite neat,
Your willing fingers can twist turn and bend,
Each joint with delight, then a period at end.
Celebrate your country, when attending school,
And for those without voice, its is a great rule.

And there are more secrets, more lessons to learn,
No boring school classes and more credits to earn,
Because parents soon see it is quiet for all,
With family and friends, a neat gentle call.
So with smiles and stories in your new silent voice.
It adds to your joys and you're so glad for your choice.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prairie Life

If a task has once begun,
Never leave it 'til its done,
Be the labour great or small,
Do it well or not at all.

The above verse is likely one of many my father taught me in 1926 during those frequent fence post high Alberta snowstorms while their first four children were already in classes at our one room country school just over a mile away. I watched my Mother mixing up the ingredients for making bread while boiling the empty flour sacks for an hour to remove the printed advertising on them. She sewed these sacks into undergarments to provide cotton underwear for the family. An hour or two pumping the treadle of her Singer sewing machine while My father finished reading the weekly newspaper,"The Free Press Prairie Farmer." If the gallon syrup bucket was empty, school lunch bread was spread with pork lard. June 30 ended the school year and the Weeks family hosted a picnic held among the trees that had been planted by them a hundred years ago. Anyone attending  was  welcome to bring their favourite outdoor food to the picnic to share with all.

The theme among the farmers was "Lets hope our crops won't be hailed out this summer.”   

Monday, January 20, 2014


A lie was told to hide a deed,
And as the days went by
There came a sudden powerful need,
To hide that spoken lie.
And then the whole thing tumbled flat
And there was no excuse,
So friends, don't try to build like that,
There isn't any use.

This ancient poem still fits into many present day circumstances and worthy of note today. My older sister Helen, age 92, became a dental missionary in Ivory Coast in Africa. She was so happy to inform me that our two nearby nieces were planning to become medical doctors and she was donating most of her savings and able to send them $2,500.00 for each of them. It meant so much for Helen as she reminded me that Canada is so short of doctors because they are importing doctors who had graduated from the university in south Africa who then moved to Canada. They are wonderful doctors but that leaves a serious shortage in Africa. So I agreed to help out by loaning these two "doctors to be" $30,000.00 interest free to help out. I asked their mother, my niece to not mention my name to them so they would be encouraged to try hard. "Oh no Auntie because they think so much of you and they will try even harder to succeed with their hopes and dreams.

Last July brought my 90th birthday. My eyesight is failing and jobs for people my age with failing sight have great difficulty. The two students say they do not want to be doctors anymore and my loan to their parents is all spent. Both students are no longer interested in being doctors. With one more year at university they could become nurses which are in short supply here. I contacted the Vernon courthouse about this debt and the responsibility of their parents in connection with the money their mother had received from my account at Dominion Securities. The Judge was very nice but said he would exit the court room and let all four of us talk it over. Both of these students have found husbands and have been busy with vacations during the years, including flying to tropical islands during Canada's winter months. So far the parents have been unwilling to help their daughters. It may be just the mother since their father may not have known about the loan but he did come with her to the court hearing and knew the money had been received from my account at Dominion Securities.

My own son Ken graduated as the top student from the University of Victoria and has helped me out. He put himself through that university with no help from us and did it with summer jobs and scholarships. With his ability and knowledge my husband was a top student during his lifetime also but died in 2003 from harmful materials used to developing computers which were later found to be harmful in development of them.

Monday, January 13, 2014


"The essential power of protein builds strength,  normalizes weight and boosts energy," says Barbara Rolls, Phd,,"  and Helen A. Guthrie, chair of nutritional Sciences at Pennsylvania State University.  But  there is one important exception, women 70 and older, may not be getting enough protein that may be partly due because the intake of food declines with age, which could harm their health. 

The question arises, How much protein should I eat?  Since protein is the main building block of our cells the  body requires, we need about 210 grams daily.  While the centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other nutritional agencies recommend that 10 to 35 percent of our calories are required for building blocks, there is some confusion that requires clarity.  There is an old adage that says, "If you are not contented where you are after many moves and changes, you will not be content wherever you are." 

For a protein example, "Multiply your  weight by 0.4 percent if you are 180 pounds, aim for at least 72 grams of protein daily.  A sandwich with three ounces of chicken, along with one cup of 1 percent milk is about 40 grams of protein.  Over age 65 multiply your weight by 0.6   percent  to reach your protein daily dose.  Vary your diet with generous amounts of green salads and other greens like kale and lettuce.