Sunday, October 19, 2014


The range of brain boosting nutrients you consume will very soon demonstrate how sharper your mind will operate. Many of our foods we consume are loaded with sugar which contributes to the shrinkage of key brain areas involved in mood regulations.
So we should make a note to eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains. Plant foods contain the minerals, vitamins and nutrients we need for optimal functioning. Grass fed meat as well as fish should be included if possible because they furnish new brain connections. The greater varieties of whole foods you consume, the broader the range of brain-boosting nutrients the more energized your mind will be.

Eggs are a powerhouse, a perfect brain food. The white of the egg is less needed but in nature used for the protection of the unhatched chick, and can be used for baking when making changes. Sometimes more B12 is needed to help form new brain cells for a new beginning. A deficiency could cause depression. Iodine is another plus for good thyroid or depression. Butter is also a brain food and helps with the production of new connections.

Anchovies are the densest source of omega fatty acids of cold water fatty fish and has twice as much as tuna and pregnant women who eat more omega-3s have children with higher IQs. Anchovies are healthier than tuna for another reason too. They are lower on the food chain and often free of brain-damaging mercury.

Arugula. Dark leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods we eat. Folate, which protects us from depression, originates in the leaves of plants. We do not want to neglect walnuts. One walnut in the palm of your hand has all the building blocks, will grow into a tree can be nearly as wide as a tree and tall as a ten story building contain a wealth of trace minerals and vitamins including copper and iron, manganese, calcium, vitamin E to relieve brain information and calcium.  

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