Monday, April 23, 2012


   The sun and the moon tell a silent story through the voice of Gladys McGarey, medical doctor, writer, and worldwide speaker.  In the late 1930s, she and her friend had a baby at about the same time and Dr. Gladys gave her friend a silver baby cup engraved with the name of her new baby.  Her friend was delighted.  When they saw each other a year later she told her friend Dr. Gladys (known to all her clients as Dr. Gladys since her husband was also a medical doctor) that the cup had turned black and she had thrown it away where it remains under tons of landfill.  Her friend did not realize that silver accumulates tarnish unless it is polished to keep it shiny.  

  When flying into Jerusalem in 1969, the sun was just going down as the plane was preparing to land.  Drs. Gladys and her husband looked down on the city with the view center showing Dome of the Rock, a beautiful golden dome that is sacred space for Jews, Christians and Muslims.  It rose into view with the Dome of the Rock as the sun set with St. Ann’s Church as the moon.  We all realize the sun and the moon each have power that is central to life on our Earth.  The sun is golden and the moon is silver.  The sun emits its own light and the moon emits no light from within itself.  Its light comes solely from the reflected light of the sun.  Metals gold and silver reflect the qualities of the sun and moon.  Gold does not tarnish.  Its shine remains clear no matter how much it is exposed to the elements.  Silver reacts to exposure to the elements.  The tarnish hides its radiance so that it no longer shines, but becomes first grey and than black and no longer reflects the light and seems worthless.  It takes work to keep silver shiny as Dr. Gladys compares our lives to the sun as the gold and moon as silver as reflected in our life patterns.

  In life’s experiences, our souls like the moon can tarnish as it accumulates negative patterns but we can apply the tools of the “fruits of the spirit” – love, caring, little deeds of kindness, forgiveness, generosity and hope – all the things our soul desire to really shine forth.  We can use these tools to polish and clean the tarnish off.  Thank you Dr.Gladys Taylor McGarey, MD, MD(H)  for this beautiful analogy.  The indomitable Dr. Gladys celebrated her 90th birthday in Scottsdale, Arizona on October 29, 2011, and is a pioneer in holistic medicine.  She maintains a consulting practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, and can be reached through 1-800-333-4499 or 1-866-322-8209.  

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