Monday, August 22, 2011



A writer asks if certain foods can make inflammation worse. Doctors with Consumer Reports give a “yes” answer. Inflammation is a process in which our bodies essentially go into attack mode in response to a trigger, such as allergens, infection, injury or even food. Sometimes that response is helpful – for example, fighting off an infection. It can also be painful (like joint inflammation due to arthritis. Saturated fat, triglycerides, trans-fats, and high-glycemic foods – those high in starch and added sugar can cause or worsen inflammation, raising the risk of cancer, heart disease and other conditions.

Specific foods can trigger inflammation in people with certain allergies and sensitivities such as gluten in those with celiac disease. My cousin went to her doctor for testing and he told her that often the patient is the best detective. He gave her a list of foods with a high-glycemic index (G.I.) and now she avoids foods like white potatoes, and products made with wheat flour. Your local health food stores keep extra copies of that list in a handy file and will give you a copy that shows the major foods that those with type 2 diabetics require. For example white potatoes have a high glycemic index and sweet potatoes (called yams in southern U.S.) have been found make a preferable substitute.

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