Thursday, August 4, 2011


A daily dose of beta carotene could be vital.

One single serving of a food rich in beta-carotene every day could help you avoid breast cancer, suggests a new Swedish study of women over age 50. Women who consumed at least 3.7 mg of beta-carotene each day from foods – about half a medium carrot’s worth – had up to 68 per cent less risk of cancer than women who ate less beta-carotene – as little as 1/50 of a carrot. Do not rely on beta-carotene supplements. Most likely they need beta-carotene plus the other compounds found in these foods for protection from coming down with cancer.

Here are the Best Ways to Get Beta-Carotene from its Source. Amount (mg)

Baked sweet potatoes ½ cup - called yams in southern U.S. - 9.5
Pumpkin pie (1/6 of an 8 inch pie) made with canned pumpkin 8.5
Baby carrots 2/3 cup 6.2
Canned apricot halves 5.9
Steamed spinach 4.7
Salad with 1 cup raw spinach 3.1
Cantaloupe 1 cup 2.4
Sweet peppers ½ cup and 1 cup romaine lettuce salad 1.9
Steamed broccoli ½ cup 0.9
Sliced mango 1 cup 0.8

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