Friday, February 25, 2011


The music spilled its silvery notes into the starry night,
To dance on ribbons of moonbeams with rhythmic patterns bright.
Its beauty struck a kindred note I could not quite define,
I longed to understand its touch, and make its secret mine.

The instruments as one sent forth their unseen pulses through
The seeming empty airwaves – and through my being too,
And touched each moment rhythmically to register in tones,
Sending clear to human ear, the words by which they’re known.

Thoughts from within will find the way to gladden other hearts,
A musical will form and play, as true notes play a part.
True actions formed within the heart brings great joy and peace,
Forming pleasant musicals and negatives will cease.

And join with other musicals as ideals point the way
From the misty realms of theory as new melodies are played.
Faith’s inner spiritual knowledge joins life’s universal force,
And move from silent psychic form to physical resource.

The rhythms that form within the heart are first felt deep within,
The master matrix of the psyche brings forth its outer twin.
Things that happen physically begin in rhythms fresh
With feeling tones that rise and fall as spirit blends with flesh.

Life’s music forms from thoughts within to shape beliefs we hold,
To alter actions, change our lives, and world that we behold.
Each day an opportunity to set beliefs afresh
And play this music from the soul, life’s energies made flesh.

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