Sunday, February 27, 2011


Since energy is substance too, so faith, no less can be
The outward manifestations of the forces we can’t see
Faith knows that it already is, in psychic zones not seen,
Man only needs to tap this source, to bring it into being.

The outlets in life’s workshop are designed for all to use,
But man must still plug in this source, so power and light diffuse.
Engage, develop, use and prove, are ground rules of the plan,
With time and space with patience comes to the family of man.

Events each form a puzzle part, and everything things we do,
Depends upon beliefs and prayers - through faith we find it’s true.
The seeds of faith wait patiently when time and space are right,
On land and sea will rise for you - morning, noon or night.

Then should the sea of life get rough, dark days the way obscure,
Our being hears the “Peace be still,” Faith’s lifeboat is secure.
To safely guide through reefs and shoals, back to the harbour home,
With thanks and care should other gales, Blow us in danger’s zone.

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