Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A participating journalist in his book, “The secrets of People who claim never get sick, Gene Stone gives tips on how to avoid catching colds. His Number one mention is brewers yeast. This gives him all the B vitamins except B 12, and includes thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acid. Brewers yeast is also a great source of protein since the Bs also keep levels of homocysteine low. Epidemiological studies have linked high levels of homocysteine to stroke and coronary heart disease and one can get the needed minerals like selenium and potassium, a natural way in brewers yeast, unless it is purchased through a number of pills.

Aerobic exercises are also important as well since it helps to ward off mundane elements like colds. Strength training also releases natural hormones that rejuvenate the body and give increased energy that strengthens the body’s immume system because they fight off colds and flu.

For ancient news back to the Sumerians and Assyrians as well as the Native Americans, garlic has been renowned for centuries. This author picks garlic that stays at the top of his list with the B vitamins. He eats a clove of raw garlic each day even when he is on his book tour. A compound in the garlic called allinin, an enzyme that converts to what the body needs. He admits to not caring for the taste but for him a piece of dark chocolate immediately afterwards is reward enough.

Echinacea has been found useful as a cold preventative. The kind of Echinacea is of importance and he credits E.purpurea is the species that some studies have shown as to be most beneficial for the body’s health, and the German government has endorsed it recently as a cold preventative because it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Further information can be found in the November 29th, 2010 issue of Maclean’s Magazine.

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