Wednesday, December 29, 2010


When asked about whether probiotics could be helpful with colds, Gene Stone (see yesterday’s Blog on How to Eat to Avoid Catching Colds) replied that some probiotics have proven helpful for digestive health and shows that one type lactobacillus casei lessens the duration of colds and flues in older people and that nothing is an immediate preventive or cures symptoms right away. You may have had to be eating yogourt for some time to get the benefits.

The interviewer asked him if any secrets that people gave him wound up on the cutting room floor. “Lots,” said Stone, “One of the most promising one was to close the toilet lid after flushing, which is one of those things your mother also tells you to do. It turns out that when you flush, amazing amounts of crap, literally gets in the air and it’s not good for you. I didn’t find the number of studies I would have liked, to back up these studies, but there is some research, and let’s just say, I always close the lid now.”

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