Friday, November 6, 2009


This week a CBC radio program called the Massey Lectures are featuring the 9:00 pm program called “Ideas” with the speaker presenting parts of his book called “Wayfinders.” with Anthropologist Wade Davis. He has traveled in many areas of South America where no westerners had been before. Last night he told about an area where he saw proof that there had been “giants in that land.” I remembered a verse in Genesis 6, verse 4 that said: “There were giants in the earth in those days.” When I had read those words years ago I thought this must have been the scribes having a problem with translating from the ancient scrolls.

I recall reading an article in “Venture Inward,” (March/April, 2005) telling about a group trip Henry Reed, was leading into the Andes among the Q’ero. An attribute of these people is that although they consider their teachings sacred, they don’t consider them secret. This leads into the Andean prophecy, handed down from the Inca, foreseeing a change of worlds, timed exactly in accordance with the Mayan calendar of December 24, 2012. Not so far away, perhaps that will begin the lead to a more peaceful world. The Q’ero termed this shift “The Age of uniting ourselves again - when people come together to realize their oneness in God.” They see it as an end to boundaries, where people will drop their identification with each individual, and living the intention of realizing harmony, treating all living things as relatives that would bring us into the spiritual practice of the “attitude of gratitude”. That sounds like a better way than centuries of wars throughout present day patterns that our history books tell us about.
Scientist, Henry Reed, Ph.D., group leader of this Andean group gives a Website, but too late now to join this trip of 2004.
If he is planning a similar trip again, it would be interesting to join them. 1-800-333-4499.

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