Wednesday, November 25, 2009


If you have asthma challenges, your own health needs come first. Plans should be in place for delivery of pet to a veterinarian or animal hospital when the need arises.

An indoor cat may be de-clawed by a veterinarian. Later their claws can be clipped when needed, just like we clip our fingernails. Outdoor cats need claws for protection. Open outside doors with caution so pet will not escape and be harmed when if de-clawed.

Neutering should be done at five months when male hormones have developed. Seven months is best for spaying a female.
A single cat needs a playmate for games and exercise during the first five years. Buy a playmate or become the playmate.

When owner plans vacation trips or other absence, check airlines travel requirements and all other needs for the animal. A newly acquired pet should not be left alone. Another family member should stay with your pet.

If your cat begins to scratch at the furniture, cradle him in your arms and say a firm No. It may be frightened and hide under the furniture’s skirt. My daughter-in-law says they bought a little squirt gun and gave him a quick spray of water and said No!

When caring for another’s pet when owner is on vacation, find out what you should do if the owner’s return is delayed or if they are involved in an accident.
Cats are very fussy and may require a glass container or bowl for drinking water, rather than the usual plastic bowl. When they back up back up (showing disgust) and sometimes give a quick shake of their head so, replace the plastic water bowl with a glass container.
Check safety of electric circuits and telephone cords.

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