Thursday, May 28, 2009


Good morning Madam Celery, How is everything today?
"It's cool and lovely here inside, Without the sun's hot rays.
Last spring we wished for sunshine, To grow a lovely scene,
And that is how I grew so tall, Helped my lacy hair turn green.

We've joined up with the radishes, Bell peppers orange and red,
We're welcoming the lettuce leaves, So family is well fed.
The summer sun is warm and bright, Soon the beets are ready,
Bringing health to one and all, And body cells are heady."

The leader of the carrots spoke, "Hi there to you my friends,
We're ready for our onward trip, Before the party ends."
The lettuce did a swirling dance, In the salad spinner,
"I'm a purifier for the blood, Eat me and be a winner.

I help the nerves with silicon, Along with all the greens,
To cleanse and balance all the way, And keep you strong and lean."
Lettuce, carrots, celery, All other veggies too,
Hum their songs in harmony, In silent words and true.

We honour all the fruiting trees, Through sun and rain of summer,
That join with beans and lentils for, Great energy for runners.
"My garden plot is ready, Just plant some rows of seeds,
A little drink when things get hot, You've done a wondrous deed.

Health and happiness to all, We join your body now,
And watch its wondrous workings as, We make departing bows.
We're all good friends together, And with you a special friend.
Together feeling harmony, A trust that has no end.

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