Friday, May 29, 2009


This is to remind everyone to mark your calender for the radio program Quirks and Quarks every Saturday at 12:00 noon on CBC radio for Bob McDonald's latest science releases. He interviews many of the scientists who have worked first hand with various universities. This program is repeated every Tuesday evening at ll:00 pm - I wish it was l0:00 pm instead before sleep tries to take over. I can review them better at the earlier hour.

I also want to thank my grandson, Luke, who made my "new" computer Microsoft XP from left over parts after completing some volunteer projects at their church. My son, Ken and his wife Lin came here for Easter at just the right time and he brought the computer over and installed it for me. My old Windows 98 was limping along with lots of "oops" delays when blogging. My Canon printer had stopped printing after two years and I now have a Lexmark with a five year guarantee for any printed work I need. Ken also checks my blogs after posting for spelling errors or repeat words that can sneak in. Spell check does its job but when I move the posting over to the Dashboard from Wordpad I must remember to switch back to Wordpad and make any correction noted so I can make the change there before switching it over to post it from Dashboard.

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