Sunday, August 24, 2008


E. Sadoway, 1915 - 2006 Homemaker, Mother and runner.

"The most important things in life are home, family, honesty,
kindness and fairness to all."

Elizabeth "Elsie" Sadoway had many roles in life but when I asked
her which ones were most important to her she didn't hesitate; as
shown above. Since the dictionary's definition for "sage" is, "a wise
counselor, venerable in judgment, showing wisdom and prudence,"
I realized I had been living next door to one for seven years.

Tales of Elsie's early days on the Manitoba prairies found her in first
grade not knowing the English language. When the teacher asked her name
she didn't understand. Her older brother answered for her, "Elizabeth."
"That's too long" the teacher said, "we'll call you Elsie." Frightened, she
ran for home, all eight miles alone. Elsie became the name that the
teacher and others used for the rest of her life. Both are nice names but
her mother continued to call her by the birth name she had given her. She
soon adjusted well and was prominent in many ways, including being the
best runner who always won the races for her age group.

Though loss of sight had dimmed her eyes, A smile lit up her face,
When speaking of her children three, Her cards brought up an ACE.
From the heart, her wisdom shone, Things not taught at school,
But in each action, word and deed, It was "The Golden Rule."
"Doing unto others as, You'd wish done to you,"
Now why can't nations try that style, To solve their problems too,
Instead of rushing off to war, With weapons as their tool.

Thank you Elsie, my daily walking pal, for being the wonderful
person that you were, and still are, in your heavenly abode. When
having dinner with her son and wife, she sometimes brought me a
wrapped piece of BBQ salmon that her son had made and it came
with such a lovely smile. Kindness in action.

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