Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My younger sister's first grandchild now has a child of her own and
and with her husband to help decided it would be nice to have a get together
with all the relatives who could come. Everyone thought it was a great idea
so we met at a central place at Herald Park near Sunnybrae. An August 2008 Sunday provided a semi-sunny day that was just perfect for the occasion. A BBQ was available and each family brought food enough for their family and tables were set up. Then everyone shared according to food preferences. It was great meeting new family members, several not yet one year old, and so
interesting to touch bases with those we hadn't seen for awhile as we realized how important it is to find time for family fun together in spite of busy lives.

Here are a few words that further remind us how important family is.

Stitched in the fabric of our hearts, Our children come and stay,
May later leave for other lands, But hearts don't go away.
Another thread, another stitch, Adds the marriage touch,
But still that first stitch always stays, Families mean so much.

As twists and turns of time stitch more, Grandchildren may appear,
A beauty that none else can make, As they add their loving cheer.
Then comes along the Golden Years, The fabric's beauty grows,
Time, with stitches magic touch, Some call it growing old.

It should be called "maturing" now, As galleries appear,
And pictures decorate the walls, completing family's sphere.
Age and illness may take place, God offers exit doors,
But as each honors body's health, Long life can be assured.

All those years of lessons learned, As each day's choice is made,
Honoring God's gift of life, As time forms your facade.
To walk through life with no regrets, Shaping generations new,
Stitching, with encouragement, We share, as life renews.

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