Sunday, October 26, 2014


I searched to make true wisdom mine, to find its golden lair,
The halls of learning knowledge gave, but how had wisdom fared?
Impressive scholars with their books transmitted knowledge plain,
English history, special skills, but how could living change?
What application could be made for daily growth of soul,
Where all could live in harmony, with peace the real goal.
Then on the exit path a rose bowed low beneath the breeze,
To wave and whisper secret sounds that echoed through the trees.

Its mystery dropped a yearning seed within my heart that grew
And searched the inner corners for some light each day anew.
Its color deep, the subtle scent, was this its essence rare?
The mystic union joining all, that spirit all life shares?
The bud, a dainty unknown scroll, bedecked with diamond dues,
Revealing life's fragility, and beauty daily new.

That springs from some creative spark beyond its own resource,
The sun, the soil, the astral mists, all harking to its source.
Unspoken wisdom from the earth, translated by a flower,
Its gentle, silent symphony, Creator had empowered.
To show mankind he too may touch the earth, the sky above,
In meditative moments join, creations song of love.

In wisdom, find no fault at all or cherish some ill will,
And kill love's flower, and spoil the bower that kindness framed with skill.
True wisdom speaks with daily powers of mind,
To build the urge that will apply what wisdom's search can find.
In quiet moments wisdom speaks, each problem has a cure,
The answer lies within its plot, and search can make it yours.
Each gracious kindly word a way to find vibrations true,

And sets the tune and tone of life, in all we say and do.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The range of brain boosting nutrients you consume will very soon demonstrate how sharper your mind will operate. Many of our foods we consume are loaded with sugar which contributes to the shrinkage of key brain areas involved in mood regulations.
So we should make a note to eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains. Plant foods contain the minerals, vitamins and nutrients we need for optimal functioning. Grass fed meat as well as fish should be included if possible because they furnish new brain connections. The greater varieties of whole foods you consume, the broader the range of brain-boosting nutrients the more energized your mind will be.

Eggs are a powerhouse, a perfect brain food. The white of the egg is less needed but in nature used for the protection of the unhatched chick, and can be used for baking when making changes. Sometimes more B12 is needed to help form new brain cells for a new beginning. A deficiency could cause depression. Iodine is another plus for good thyroid or depression. Butter is also a brain food and helps with the production of new connections.

Anchovies are the densest source of omega fatty acids of cold water fatty fish and has twice as much as tuna and pregnant women who eat more omega-3s have children with higher IQs. Anchovies are healthier than tuna for another reason too. They are lower on the food chain and often free of brain-damaging mercury.

Arugula. Dark leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods we eat. Folate, which protects us from depression, originates in the leaves of plants. We do not want to neglect walnuts. One walnut in the palm of your hand has all the building blocks, will grow into a tree can be nearly as wide as a tree and tall as a ten story building contain a wealth of trace minerals and vitamins including copper and iron, manganese, calcium, vitamin E to relieve brain information and calcium.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014


A grand unguilded man of stone a hundred years through time,
 Looks through remote antiquity and toward man's upward climb.
Perhaps this faultless carving took those hundred years of toil.
  But many centuries more of search its mysteries time has foiled.
Its memory holds five thousand years, in retrospect to see,
 Unbroken tides of time and space, rolling o'er life's sea.
Though carved from stone a sentient face has watched great empires rise,
  And then diffuse through selfish acts and cause their own demise.
From grandeur to decay they move until the people learn,
 The way of love, respect for all, and thus real honor earn,
Departed ages with heir hopes, sorrows, joys and pain,
 All hinging on the will of man, his intent and his aim. 

The lion's archetype formed the paws, the head was that of man,
 A symbol of respect for all, each unit of Earth's Plan,
Upon its face so mild and kind, a longing seems to say,
"Rise up and know the strength of peace, a power that in you lays."
A force that calls to higher planes, where consciousness may roam,
 In meditation's moments calm, to set life's beat and tone.
His gaze is concentrated far, beyond the landscapes verge,
 Suggesting search for living truths, where mind and soul may merge.

To find the purity of life, a mind serene as he,
 A time to light with the heart, and keep man truly free.
To dwell within that secret place where science ends its trail
 And join the fine and mystic line, where inner peace prevails,
Life's silver chalice then may blend intelligence with will,
 Where dreams and aspirations meet to join the physical.

And then when further mysteries arise from secret chambers deep,
 The cool and quiet peaceful ways, the coming age will keep.
A silent army on the march, each body cell a part
 To route the mean and petty things from kingdoms in the heart.
To live with beauty greater than, all kingdom's formed by man,
Enchanting realms of consciousness in line with the Master's Plan.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


In gold and scarlet changing tones fall fashions of delight, 
 Unfold and change to winter tones with its less hours of light.
A harvest melody of sleep, brings creatures winter's rest,
 To temperate zones the birds have flown to be that seasons guest.
Sharp frosty chills from alpine hills, rolled down the hours of sun,
 Without a word the leaves have stirred as children play snow fun.

In nature's way. without delay, a downy quilt of snow, 
 Tucks all in tight for winter's night, safe from the stormy blow.
'Til spring stirs from the friendly hills, all misty eyed with dew,
A host of dainty buttercups raise spring bouquets to view.
 And whisper with the early breeze that spring is here once more, 
 They nod and wave in promenade, o'er valleys hills and shores.

The crocus soon will come along, fruit buds in early May,
  In silent scenes they stir new life, and flash their colors gay.
And in a lovely wordless way, recount the winter's night,
 Its tempest had laid waste old flowers but seeds safe from its blight.
Beneath its downy quilt of snow were safe from blizzards harm,
  Awaiting signal from the warmth of sunshine's soft alarm.

To grow and scatter joy once more when springtime comes along,
 And paint upon the rolling hills, bright tunes of gentle song.
That tells each soul who cares to know of subtle beauties rare,
 That emanate when seeds of love are sown with tender care.
Unseen unheard, a voiceless stage within the soul of man,
 On which a happy heart may dance with joy throughout life's span.
Through search and learning ever new, releasing thoughts that bind,
  As meditations moments free the tensions of the mind.
To harmonize life's instrument with patterns in the soul,
 That blends with all earth's orchestra in rhythm with the whole.