Thursday, November 24, 2011


    This is a solution for those who are too short of time to join the gym and thus give them more time to spend with family in the evenings.  Instead of starting up the car to rush off to work, recall the time wasted in long line-ups or stalled in traffic, or been delayed at a red traffic light.  Do your body a favor and build health with a brisk walk to work instead.  Walking invites short cuts to work, thus saving the price of gasoline and improving the quality of air for everyone.    

     While at work refresh yourself with a small glass of water, stand up for refills and trips to the bathroom.  Instead of a water bottle on your desk keep a small glass to refill often.  These refreshing walks will clear the mind for new ideas at your work desk.  Instead of eating lunch at your desk that might scatter crumbs on your papers, walk your lunch outside or go to another location.

     One could also purchase a stamina 15-0125, an inside folding cycle for about $70.00.  Brainstorming moments are needed at times and this could also give you time for those coming up with new ideas needed by the firm, and even result in a promotion.  Walk around during break time mid morning and mid afternoon.  Stand while you are opening and reading your mail and that will help the blood supply move around in the body and stimulate the brain.  Instead of a sit-down meeting, ask your boss if you can talk and walk. For the ladies keep flat shoes under your desk for better movements.

      If you must drive, “waist dance” to the radio or tap out a beat on the steering wheel while driving.  Visit a store instead of shopping online.  Bag your own groceries.  Walk between stores that are in close proximity (don’t drive).  When picking up your children from school get out of your car, greet them with a hug instead of waiting in the car at curbside.  For family fun, pick your own apples, strawberries, and other fruits and vegetables.  Go for a family hike on weekends.

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