Monday, March 14, 2011


In light of the catastrophe in Japan this week of March 11, 2011, the main World News from Africa has shifted to the east following Japan’s devastating earthquake as well as continued aftershocks and other complexities as they arise. A great deal of healing will be needed in both of these areas as many countries seek to help in these troubled times. At this time it will be helpful to review an article that appeared in the Morning Star on November 10, 2010, by Katherine Mortimer. Her story tells about Mac Tey who offers help and healing from within for special strength needed in times of stress. “Stress produces a great deal of acid as this negative energy is carried to all parts of the body that blocks the digestion and all body systems,” says Tey. Originally from Indonesia, Tey was born into a large family of Chinese descent and has lived in Vernon since 1978 and founded the Vernon Kung Fu Club and Mind Quest for Better Living Society. He returned to Asia in 1993 and worked for Veteran Rehabilitation for the Ministry of Defense and Security in Jakarta helping soldiers who had returned from combat. He also gave lectures at universities. He returned to Vernon in 1903 and teaches diverse groups, hyperactive children, epileptic and emotional problems. “Sometimes it is just for stress relief. I will offer anybody a gentle Oriental approach to stress control. You attract what you put out there. Everything that happens to us is for a reason,” he added. With psycho immune therapy, Tey lets a client talk freely about personal experiences, from childhood to the present. Through guided meditation and affirmation, the person will be helped to reprogram and to strengthen the immune system. Tey calls himself a healer and with therapeutic touch healing uses energy healing that is expressed through his being and his hands. Therapeutic touch helps people free themselves from what holds them back, adding that holding on to anger and other negative emotions interferes with the healthy flow of energy. “My work is always presented in a loving and gentle way which provides warmth and safety for everyone,” he says and works through all groups including Vital Path Health Center in Vernon.

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