Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Liver disease affects one in ten adults in the U.S. and is on the rise. That might be due to increasing rates of obesity and Type2 Diabetes. Some drugs and supplements can harm the liver as they pass through it before being eliminated. A damaged liver is less able to perform such functions as processing nutrients, helping the blood supply on its constant journey trough the body and preparing toxins for elimination from the body.

Liver damage can exist for years without symptoms. So if you regularly take drugs that react negatively check with your doctor periodically and ask to have your liver checked. If damage is detected, stopping the medication usually solves the problem and your doctor can explain it to you. To further protect your liver drink alcohol only in moderation, lose excess weight and get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B if you are at risk in any way.
Consumer Reports on Health, December 2010.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our muscles become deflated with age, losing their moisture like a dry sponge. Acupuncture restores the natural internal irrigation so the 'sponge' is plumped up again and the wrinkles disappear. Treatments include addressing the facial muscles directly because the electro-stimulation of the natural electric charge in the muscle re-establishes the natural flow and the charge/discharge cycle. This enlivens the tissue. Fluids can move through as they did in youth. Kathleen's PEMF instrument quickens the process of rebuilding skin and muscle tissue, while improving the face's senses: vision, hearing, brain power, and also alleviating depression, as confirmed in numerous studies!

Dr. name: Dr. Kathleen Rosenblatt
Email: DrKathleen90077@gmail.com
Visit the website for more information- www.brainbodybliss.com

Acupuncture and massage:
eliminate fine lines
lessen deep wrinkles
firm sagging skin
lift droopy eyes
improve skin tone
tighten pores
increase collagen production
eliminate puffiness
reduce double chins
promote overall health
slow down the aging process