Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Summer days flew by with speed upon the wings of time,
No work was found for student needs, tuition funds to find.
Here’s help to meet this urgent need, no interest for use time,
Then write down terms to repay now, should layoff days you find.

Upon a paper write the words, terms for this friendly loan,
To help a relative in need and set the payback tone.
The urgent need for doctors here and eager minds to learn,
Called for help to meet this need, - good wages too are earned.

Write this down, your own needs may rise - their parents work full time,
Your working years for three years past now will come to mind.
My doctor says, “I like your poetry, so write - publish in your Blog today,
Your legacy of life on Earth helps other’s future ways.”

Money bears the “filthy lucre” charge for some uncertain ones,
And “root of evil’s frightening charge” from other voices come.
But money is an instrument that, like a stringed guitar,
When tuned and played in rhythmic tones, brings joy to near and far.

But when obtained improperly sends notes in strange discord,
Yet used through time for right design, brings pleasure and reward.
So when its true perspective blends in balance through life’s whole,
This instrument of help and love aids body, mind and soul.

The last two verses I copied from my book, “In Touch.”

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