Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In my last Blog dated August l5th I mentioned that my old energy was starting to kick in and I
was enjoying getting my home back in shape again. I don’t think I tried to do too much in one day but when I retired that evening I noticed my neck, upper arms and chin were beginning to really itch. Next day I am at the doctor’s office asking what was happening. “You have shingles,” she said. “Hurry over to the drug store and get this prescription for VALACYCLOVIR HCL. Take six tablets each day – two at each mealtime for a full week. The faster you can start the better, because it will begin working and reduce your itching and pain.”

The doctor helped me get on her scales and they registered l00.1 pounds, even with my jacket and shoes on and told me that at 5 foot 7 inches I had to gain weight and start to eat five times a day with small ones between the main meals.

In her Blog “Cicero Sings” my niece says that oregano oil will take the itch away from a mosquito bite. She keeps oregano oil on hand for other stings like wasps. Perhaps it would also take the itch out of shingles. The lady in a nearby condo says her shingles became so itchy she had to take pain killers which had other deleterious effects. I am thinking of trying out the oil of oregano oil.
Addendum Thursday, August 26: I tried the oil of oregano and it worked fine for me, but try it on a small spot first. it seems to work for so many things. The girl demonstrating it said she puts it on a sore throat and it works for that also.

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