Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Whenever I see a new book out by Dr. Shealy, MD, PhD, and Neurosurgeon, I wonder if there are body systems left that this founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and president of Holos Institute for Health, has still more developments to write about. This new one is about The Endocrine System.

In this latest book he gives warnings of the major physical stressors as follows: The first group he details is the physical chemical, emotional, or electromagnetic stressors beyond the safe reserves of any given individual. Oh dear, is that why so many of us begin to worry when we need to bring up a needed word that we have not used for some time.

Here are the major physical stressors: Inactivity – being inactive is as stressful as a broken leg: physical or chemical injuries, sunburn or other burns; and Excess heat or cold.

The major chemical stressors are: Sugar, corn syrup, corn fructose, Caffeine; Monosodium glutamate (MSG); artificial trans-fats; Excess phosphorus, especially from soda pop; Mercury (fillings) all artificial foods, flavourings, and dyes. Deficiency of any essential-vitamin or mineral include: Iodine (medical,) magnesium, B6, D3, and C.

Emotional stressors include: Fear; Anger, Guilt, Anxiety; and Depression.

Electromagnetic stressors include 60 cycle energy, TVs, clocks, fluorescent bulbs, radios, refrigerators, furnaces, computers, cars, airplanes, high power lines, wiring in homes, telephones, cell phones and Nuclear energy contamination. For further information: ARECatalog.com

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In my last Blog dated August l5th I mentioned that my old energy was starting to kick in and I
was enjoying getting my home back in shape again. I don’t think I tried to do too much in one day but when I retired that evening I noticed my neck, upper arms and chin were beginning to really itch. Next day I am at the doctor’s office asking what was happening. “You have shingles,” she said. “Hurry over to the drug store and get this prescription for VALACYCLOVIR HCL. Take six tablets each day – two at each mealtime for a full week. The faster you can start the better, because it will begin working and reduce your itching and pain.”

The doctor helped me get on her scales and they registered l00.1 pounds, even with my jacket and shoes on and told me that at 5 foot 7 inches I had to gain weight and start to eat five times a day with small ones between the main meals.

In her Blog “Cicero Sings” my niece says that oregano oil will take the itch away from a mosquito bite. She keeps oregano oil on hand for other stings like wasps. Perhaps it would also take the itch out of shingles. The lady in a nearby condo says her shingles became so itchy she had to take pain killers which had other deleterious effects. I am thinking of trying out the oil of oregano oil.
Addendum Thursday, August 26: I tried the oil of oregano and it worked fine for me, but try it on a small spot first. it seems to work for so many things. The girl demonstrating it said she puts it on a sore throat and it works for that also.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The first feeling of weakness that pneumonia causes arrived for me late in June. I see I have posted only three blogs since then. I guess the walk-in doctor was right when he said I could be in for a six week recovery period. Today I felt the strength seeping back in my system and am trying not to crowd any unnecessary tasks into the day.

One person e-mailed me to let me know that he had pushed himself a little too soon and that gave him a setback. The first day I noticed my problem was on June 24th which had been the first real hot day of this summer. On the way to a good-bye farewell service I rode in three different cars and had forgotten how allergic I was to air conditioning, especially if the unit had not been cleared after a half year of it not being in use. It happened once before when my husband did the same thing to himself. Our guest riders in the back seat had requested more cool air. My husband directed cool air past himself to our guests so it would bypass me because he remembered how allergic I was to it. That air conditioning unit had not been cleared yet for the summer season and he also became ill and could not attend the family reunion the following day. This is just a little warning for those who may have already weakened their lungs from chemicals required in their place of employment. Even this very day the people who live in the Soviet Union near Moscow, have suffered from the smoke from their forest fires and many lives have been lost.

In studying more about the most nourishing foods for any recovery I was delighted to hear a noon program from CBC radio about the importance of eating more fresh uncooked foods for building better health. One of the callers was my niece from Kamloops. It was so interesting to hear her clear musical voice tell about the raw food group she usually attends each month. The group of fifty or more share recipes and learn more about improving health as they learn together. Another caller told of his experience of having a number of operations that could not cure his stomach problem. With no criticism to our medical system he then tried the change of using at least 85% uncooked foods and for him it was the solution to his problem and he is back at work. I called a former neighbour and asked if they had any fresh fruit for sale. He brought me a box of apricots and a supply of fresh garden vegetables. He would take no money because he said he and his wife often spoke about how we had helped them get started when they moved across the road from us and gave them fresh fruit and invited them to graze their few horses in our pasture when their grass became low.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The doctor said it would take at least six weeks for the body to work out its healing process. My “borrowed daughter” has been with me for two weeks and was a wonderful uplift. Her own mother passed away from pneumonia after only one day in the hospital. I’ve had a little time to catch up on reading books on the subject. Here’s the experience of a student who had entered his first year of medical school - now a doctor.

Dr. George Ritchie died from pneumonia and was pronounced dead in a Texas hospital at age 20. In the darkened hospital room he “woke up” and wandered the halls of the hospital. No one seemed able to see or hear him and at that moment he did not realize he was dead. He wandered back into his hospital room and looked at his bed. A body lay there covered with a sheet and only a hand of the inert form under the sheet was visible. To his confusion and horror he recognized his fraternity ring on the hand. He thought, “I was planning to be going home for Christmas soon to be with my family and now I will not be able to see them again, I was in a precarious position, discouraged and frightened.” He tried without success to reenter his body and again without success to pull the sheet from the body and his hand went right through it. Ritchie wondered what to do and where to go. He saw the old body but was no longer a part of it and he felt in total isolation. At the moment of his greatest distress the room began to fill with light and he thought the dim hospital light was getting brighter. The light continued to grow in intensity beyond description. Immediately following the arrival of this intense light a powerful voice was heard. “STAND UP,” the voice said, “YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SON OF GOD.”

“Out of that brilliant light stepped the most amazing being I have ever seen,” Dr. Ritchie said. “The hospital walls totally disappeared and I saw in detail every minute of my life from the time I was born to my twentieth year, every thought, deed and event, as the soul judged itself and the spiritual lessons it learned. A question arose, “What did you do with your life. Have you loved others as I am loving you, unconditionally, each thought and intention. There was no question that the guide through this experience was Jesus. He was unlike the pictures I have seen in stained glass windows in our churches. He had strong shoulders, the most powerful male I have ever seen.” Dr. Ritchie is still living and further information can be found about his life and work in the book “The Place We Call Home” by Robert J. Grant at your local bookstore, library or A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451-2061.